NEWS: Aug.16, 2015 - 10 Years Ago, “Christian Polygamy” Made History
NEWS: July 4, 2014 - Christian Polygamy Movement is 20 Years Old

As seen on the 700 Club, CLICK HERE! - Organization for Christian Polygamy
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An Infrastucture for Christian Polygamy is a

  • Christ-centered,
  • Spirit-led,
  • Scripture-believing

ministry.  This is a cross-denominational, non-fleshly, Scripture-based Christian organization.

This ministry is not a church or a "denomination." It is not "mormon." It is not a new "sect." This is not a "religion."

Rather, is an independent oganization, providing the support and ministry infrastructure for various independent Christ-centered

  • individuals,
  • groups,
  • and ministries.

Indeed, the organization of is even a "ministry for ministries" in the advance of Christian Polygamy.

Supporting Pastors

Many pastors have long quietly known the truth of Christian Polygamy, but they have often been isolated and unable - even disallowed - to be bold in their churches. The organization provides organized supportorganized support for such dear pastors. With the organization, now those pastors can know and show that they are no longer alone! When ready, those pastors can now quickly show their denominational hierarchies and congregations that the pastor is not some lone isolated "fringe" individual on this issue. Our organization's very existence and established media identification proves it. This empowers pastors to be bold when the time is right for them to do so, whether they are bringing this issue before their denominational hierarchies or before their congregations. Now pastors can freely let Scripture be Scripture when they do that, without being falsely and cruelly maligned as "lone wolves" or even "wackos." The organizational support enables those dear pastors to overcome those obstacles when the time is right for them to do so in their churches.

Supporting Bible-believing Christians

In numerous churches, across numerous Bible-based Christian denominations, very often it is the most Bible-dedicated believers who are sitting in those Churches, quietly disappointed that their Church or its leadership seem to be blind to so obvious a Scriptural Truth as Christian Polygamy. These believers are not the "newbie Christians" either. These are the ones whom the pastors know do seriously study the Bible regularly. Yet these same serious Christians know that they are not (yet) free to point out the obvious Scripturality of Christian Polygamy to their church. And because they genuinely love their pastors and church leadership, they do not want to undermine them or disturb the entire church by "showing them up" or just raising the issue. The organization provides those Bible-dedicated believers with assurance that they are "not alone," and organized supportsupport when the time is right for them in bringing the issue to their churches in the most Christ-like loving and effective manner.

With such a support infrastructure in place this way, this enables us all to advance our common goal:

   the TruthBearer Mission of
   Bringing Christian Polygamy to the Churches (all denominations),

whereby we can then successfully tear down society's "anti-polygamy wall".

By coming together in this cross-denominational, organized way as TruthBearer Members, we are able to pool together our time and resources more effectively and to support each other personally. This makes it then possible to directly and pro-actively bring Christian Polygamy to Churches, Christian colleges, pastors, leaders, and other Christ-centered organizations and ministries.

Because the organization is indeed here to assure, to provide doctrinal assistance in presentation, and to extend any support we can, we are always glad to welcome new TruthBearer Members!

How and When Founded
How to Join
"TruthBearer Central", Old Orchard Beach
Copyrights & Licenses


Polygamy in the Media.  Interviews and more with the TruthBearer organization!
Polygamy in the Media

Last Site Update: Aug.16


Polygamy Organization
Polygamy in the Media

Interview Example
with the Founder

Important Questions
& Media Credibility

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Polygamy Interview

 Above All Else

Gospel of Jesus Christ
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History of Christian Polygamy Movement

"The History and Philosophy of Marriage;
Or, Polygamy & Monogamy Compared"
1869 BOOK
(Re-printed Free)

 General Navigation

Polygamy Intro
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Copyright © 1994 - 2025
Old Orchard Beach, ME, 04064
A Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Scripture-believing organization for Christian Polygamy.