What has come to be known as "The TruthBearer Vision of love-not-force" was
first revealed by the Founder of this organization, on July 13, 1999, as posted to
the (now discontinued) "Friends and Fellowhelpers"
Listserv (also known as "FAF"). [The "FAF" list was supplanted by the TruthBearer Members List in 2003.]
Ever since then, the term, "love-not-force", has been added to our lexicon as one of our Christian Polygamy terms and phrases. This new phrase is now used for referring to a mindset of how to gently and lovingly bring Christian Polygamy to a first wife, rather than than cruel unGodly opposite approach now known as FORCE (i.e., cruelly forcing polygamy on a wife whether she likes it or not). It has become the "Standard of TRUE Christian Polygamy."
This TruthBearer Vision of love-not-force brings the message that a husband should grow in love so profoundly that he thereby helps his first wife be able to gladly embrace Christian Polygamy, rather than hurting and terrifying her by forcing it upon her before she is ready.
True Christian Polygamy is about MEN growing in profound love as Christ's love for the Churches, not about merely "expecting" women to "just accept it" because some "dictator" told them to.
The TruthBearer Vision of love-not-force both
Churches that Christian Polygamy really IS only about profound Christ-like
selfless love for women, and
- PROTECTS us in Christian Polygamy from otherwise being misdefined by the
understandably bitter and hurting divorced first wives whose husbands instead
FORCED polygamy on them so that such hurting women then join the anti-polygyny
political groups to try wreak havoc among us in Christian Polygamy.
This Vision is so profoundly important to us in the advance of Christian Polygamy. For that reason, a full "Love-not-Force" Content Menu was created at this web-site, addressing and detailing all the related principles of profound love per in the TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force. By 2001, an authorized web-site was launched, exclusively dedicated to this established "Standard of Christian Polygamy," LoveNotForce.com.