
God's "Original" Plan for Marriage? [ Menu ]

God's "Original" Plan for Marriage

None of this analysis should be read out of sequence or quoted out of context, especially regarding all references exposing matters concerning "egalitarianism" (i.e, "equality of male and female").
Particularly, regarding all references made in this analysis exposing false concepts pertaining to "egalitarianism", such references must only be understood as referring to the depths of love a man would have toward a woman as being as the same selfless, Christ-like giving love with which Christ so loves the Churches (Ephesians 5:22-25.) This has absolutely nothing to do with tyrannical, "dictatorial", or other similar ungodly forms of oppressive mindsets or actions from men toward women. Instead, this is only about men loving as selflessly as Christ, and women being as the wonderful Churches whom our Lord Jesus so loves that He laid down His life for us!
For more insight about this on how profoundly a man should grow in loving woman, please be sure to read,
As such, with that understanding of profound love ever kept in in mind, may this analysis truly be a blessing for all who read it.
© April 28, 2000, TRUTH BEARER
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064
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