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God's "Original" Plan for Marriage?  [ Menu ]

God's "Original" Plan For Marriage

Chapter 8
Christian Marriage Model: Husbands as after Christ, Wives as after the Churches

The fact is, the marriage model of Ephesians 5:22-25 clearly defines the roles for Christian men and women in their marriages.

  • Husbands are to follow as though being Christ Himself in their home.

  • Wives are to follow as though being the Churches to Christ.

The Churches do NOT have a so-called "equality" in roles with Christ. And the Lord is NOT a chest-pounding tyrant either.

The Churches are to be joyfully, willfully submissive to Christ. Why is this so? Because Christ Jesus is a "footwashing" selfless GIVER! How much so?  He laid down His life!  AMEN!

As it is written,

"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us" (1_John 3:16a-b.)

There is only ONE Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Yehoshua ha'Mashiyach.

There are many Churches in Christ Jesus.

And so it is for husbands and wives.   One husband following as after the "footwashing", selflessly giving model of Christ, loving his wives who thereby (from such selfless love from their husband) are joyfully and willfully submissive (not in any matter of by force, but only of their own free and chosen joy-filled will), being receptive to and of such a tender and gently firm husband's loving care, just as the Churches are to be toward Christ. Amen!

Indeed, it is by our Christian marriages that we are actually supposed to be presenting to the world the actual example of the relationship which our Lord Jesus has with all of us!  (What a sad testimony we make indeed as we do NOT present that with the witness of our Christian marriages!)

And regarding polygamy more specifically, even Matthew 25:1-13, in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, that presents us with an image of Christ as being married polygynously, which we know to be the Churches in that parable as being His brides for Whom He is coming

again.  ("Even so, Come, Lord Jesus"! -- Revelation 22:20d-f.)

Yes, there are some Christians who would try to suggest that the "virgins" in that Parable are supposedly only "bridesmaids", that supposedly Christ will be coming WITH HIS BRIDE to meet these supposed "bridesmaids". But not only does that suggestion have ZERO Scriptural support, but it also simply cannot be true in the context of the Parable's "wedding" concept. After all, "bridesmaids" leave after the Wedding is over, while Brides would remain for ever after. That Parable is a warning to us Christians to "be ready" when the Bridegroom Christ Jesus comes for us. And truly, when our Lord Christ Jesus comes for us, His Churches, we shall be with Him FOR EVER. We will not be "leaving" when the Wedding is over, for we are His Beloved to be with Him for ever. Amen! Hallelujah! So, clearly, the "virgins" in that Parable can only be the BRIDES for Whom the Bridegroom is coming. And while yes, this is only a Parable, the Lord Jesus, being sinless, would certainly NEVER have described Himself in sinful terms, which therefore also shows us that by His describing Himself as the Polygamous Bridegroom in the "Parable of the Ten Virgins", Jesus Christ therewith shows us that that acceptable form of marriage, which we now refer to as "Christian Polygamy", cannot possibly be a sin!

So, the Christian Marriage Model is clear. As there is ONE Christ, there is one husband in a Christian family. And as there is certainly more than one Church unto Christ (indeed, we know that there are many, many Churches), the Christian Marriage model does indeed show that there may be more than one wife in a Godly Christian family (albeit only as God would so call, as specifically taught in 1_Corinthians 7:17.)

The Christian Marriage Model is that of a husband following as after Christ, and wives following as after the Churches.

© April 28, 2000, TRUTH BEARER
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064

<--Previous    Next-->
God's "Original" Plan for Marriage?
Chapter 1 - Foreword: Reasonableness to Question Presupposition
Chapter 2 - Introduction
Chapter 3 - The "Original" Plan...
Chapter 4 - The "First" Adam
Chapter 5 - The "Second" Adam
Chapter 6 - Ephesians 5:22-25 Christian Marriage Model
Chapter 7 - Egalitarian Error Regarding Galatians 3:28: Equality of Roles in Marriage?
Chapter 8 - Christian Marriage Model: Husbands as after Christ, Wives as after the Churches
Chapter 9 - Egalitarian Error Regarding Genesis 1:27: "Male and Female" in Image of God?
Chapter 10 - Profound Error of "Feminizing" God
Chapter 11 - To "Feminize" God is to NOT Know Him
Chapter 12 - As I, Myself, KNOW the Spirit, I KNOW that God is NOT "Female"
Chapter 13 - The LORD made MAN, as "Male", In God's Own Image
Chapter 14 - God's Clear Plan For Christian Marriage


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