But even so, despite all this, some people will then go even further in advancing the inaccurate egalitarian view of the Scriptures.
That is, some will try to say that
man AND woman
are BOTH supposedly made in the image of God.
And with that, they then will actually "come against" the model of Ephesians 5:22-25, trying to say that wives are not as the churches to Christ, but implying instead that all men and women would only be as Christ to Christ, or perhaps as Churches to Churches. God forbid. (Mind you, some who make this mistake might be doing so unwittingly, not realizing these implications, in that all they thought they were doing was just advancing egalitarianism.)
Hence, these ones end up (even if unwittingly) rejecting the instruction of Ephesians 5:22-25 for Christian marriages.
And the result is that, when Christian men are not informed of this high spiritural calling that men should be treating their wives as though they were being as Christ Himself, they do not grow up to that high calling. And thus woman becomes deprived of a man loving her so profoundly, as the man didn't even know he should be! Indeed, the egalitarian view, although it purports to be "lifting up" woman, it is instead so diminishing man, that woman is wholly deprived --- thus making woman diminished rather than being lifted up. What a tragedy indeed! But if a man instead purposefully walks in Ephesians 5:22-25, he will rise to such a profound love in Christ for his wives that he will be so BLESSING them with such selfless love, that therein would and are the women truly being lifted up indeed ---just as Christ's love for the churches lifts us up! Amen!
And indeed, with that tragic egalitarianism, many will indeed go back to the Adam and Eve story, and then try to wrongly mis-apply Genesis 1:27, as well.
To wit, as it is written,
"So God created MAN in his own image,
in the image of God created he HIM:
male and female created he them."
(Genesis 1:27.)
By focusing on the last part of that verse, such ones deliberately overlook the first part --- namely, that MAN was created, that God created HIM, in God's image.
© April 28, 2000, TRUTH BEARER
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064
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