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AP (Associated Press)  [ Menu ]

Polygamy in the Media

AP (Associated Press)
  September 06, 2006
     Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs Caught

AP (Associated Press)

On September 06, 2006, the Associated Press reported about pro-polygamists' response to the capture of fugitive Warren Jeffs. The same day that Jeffs had been caught, on August 29, 2006, the organization had immediately responded by issuing a press release. It was sent out to the media by the media distribution site, In addition to using information obtained from several past interviews with the AP, quotes from Mr. Henkel's statement in the press release were also quoted directly in the September 06, 2006 Associated Press report.

Examples of news outlets that carried the report include:

Primarily, the report was written through a local Utah/Arizona perspective because Mormon Polygamist FLDS sect leader Warren Jeffs was from that geographic area. After reporting from such smaller, local perspectives, the report then turned to the larger national scale. That's where the report quoted Mr. Henkel. The portion of the report, therefore, which directly pertains to Mr. Henkel, the oranization, and Christian Polygamy is as follows:

...There is also a growing number of Christian polygamists throughout the U.S. who have no connection to early Mormonism, said Mark Henkel of

Henkel said the allegations against Jeffs and his high-profile arrest are damaging to other polygamists because it blurs the line between adults trying to practice their beliefs and those committing crimes against children.

"(We) have openly opposed Jeff's alleged crimes and all the underage issues as much as any non-polygamist," said Henkel. "Now that he has been caught, Jeffs will rightly face trial in a real court of justice."

This was a crucially important message to get out to the mass public. The organization is genuinely grateful to both the reporter, Jennifer Dobner, and the AP for reporting this essential information.
Media [Directory]
AP (Associated Press)
September 06, 2006 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs Caught
November 24, 2006 - Polygamists say Jeffs case paints distorted picture
November 21, 2007 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs is going to prison


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Polygamy in the Media

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