Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan [ Menu ]

Polygamy in the Media

Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan
December 22, 2006
How Polygamous Families
Manage the Christmas Holiday
 Advance orders for this Taped Interview will eventually be Available ONLY for MEMBERS.
Court TV Radio - Sirius 110
December 22, 2006
6:35 am EST (U.S.)
New York, NY
Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan
On December 22, 2006, COURT TV's satellite radio program, Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan, on Sirius 110, once again interviewed Mark Henkel, the Founder of the organization, on the air. Mr. Henkel had been on the show three times throughout the previous year. He always had a professional yet entertaining time and the show considered him a "friend of the show." The show was having all such "friends of the show" back as part of their Christmas special. And Vinnie Politan wanted to discuss how polygamous families manage things through the Christimas holiday.
As in the previous interviews, Vinnie Politan once again asked some very good questions. And Mr. Henkel was able to provide some very good soundbite answers. And they both had an enjoyable time, full of huge laughter. What now follows is the entire transcript of the interview.
Interview transcript
As always, the host was very positive about the interview. The organization once again re-iterates its gratitude to the show for both the opportunity and for their treating Mr. Henkel so friendly.
Advance orders for the audiocassette recording of this interview will eventually be made available only for MEMBERS.
Also See:
CourtTV News
 Polygamy in the Media
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