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Polygamy in the Media

Court TV
February 14, 2007
Bllom & Politan: OPEN COURT
CourtTV News
February 14, 2007
10:40 am EST (U.S.)
CourtTV News
On February 14, 2007, Mark Henkel, the Founder of the TruthBearer.org organization, appeared as a phone-in guest on the pay network CourtTV's news talk show, OPEN COURT: Bloom & Politan. Speaking over a backdrop of his own picture and a satellite image of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Mr. Henkel was there to provide a national perspective in the then-current trial, Arizona v. Bateman.
CourtTV provides the following bios of the co-hosts: Lisa Bloom and Vinnie Politan.
Over the previous year, Mr. Henkel had been a repeated on-air guest for one of the co-host's own morning news radio show, CourtTV Morning with Vinnie Politan on Sirius 110. Consequently, as CourtTV News television was providing ongoing live coverage of the Arizona v. Bateman trial, Mr. Politan naturally recommended having Mr. Henkel appear for comment on the television news show he co-anchored with Lisa Bloom.
However, on the date of Mr. Henkel's appearance on the televison show, Mr. Politan was unavailable to co-host the show that day. Temporarily sitting in for him as co-host was Jeffrey Toobin,
Senior Legal Analyst at CNN.
As Lisa Bloom's bio shows, she has established her renown in her own right. Add to that, she is also the daughter of well-known feminist, Gloria Allred - whose own web-site describes herself as "the most famous woman attorney practicing law in the nation today." With that background, Lisa Bloom certainly did not approach the interview with Mark Henkel from any form of conservative or pro-polygamy perspective.
Indeed, the discussion began lively, filled with questions of frequently-misunderstood perceptions about polygamy. Even so, both Ms. Bloom and Mr. Toobin conducted themselves very professionally. By the end, Ms. Bloom (and likely to her surprise) was very positive toward Mr. Henkel's explanation of the polygamy rights movement for consenting adults at the national level.
Discussion Transcript
Prior to the end of the show, a separate host (for the next show to follow afterward) was presented for a quick conversation with Ms. Bloom, Jami Floyd: Best Defense. She enthusiastically expressed how she has always found the polygamy topic interesting from a legal and First Amendment perspective. Ms. Floyd stated, "Well, I say, you should be able to have as many Valentines as you want, and wives too!. (The current date of this statement was, of course, "Valentine's Day" - February 14, 2007.)
Finally, in closing the OPEN COURT: Bloom & Politan show completely, Lisa Bloom directly accepted and repeated the exact pro-polygamy position explained throughout the interview by Mr. Henkel. She said, "Consenting adults can do whatever they want. Just don't force it on the 17-year-old girls."
Both Mr. Henkel and the entire TruthBearer.org organization are grateful to CourtTV, Ms. Bloom, and Mr. Toobin for their professionalism and for providing the opportunity to let the real issues about polygamy to be presented. That gratitude also extrends to Mr. Politan for his initial recommendation in the first place, even though he was unable to be there on that particular date. Undoubtedly, this interview demonstrates that even potential skeptics can accept the consenting-adult pro-polygamy perspective when they are honestly able to receive the actual information. The entire TruthBearer.org organization is grateful indeed.

Media [Directory]
Court TV
February 14, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Entire Transcript]
September 20, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Members, Hear it online]
September 20, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 21, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 24, 2007 - CourtTV.com Online Chat Guest
September 26, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
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 Polygamy in the Media
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