This Interview is Available on TAPE.
KTLK Radio
June 17, 2000
6:00 pm Mountain Time (U.S.)
Denver, Colorado
Howling at the Moon
with "Rev. Toni Cook"
Topic for the Evening:
Monogamy and
Other Relationship
On June 17, 2000, Mark, the Founder of TRUTH BEARER, was interviewed as a guest on Toni Cook's "progressive Christian" radio show in Denver, Colorado, US, called,
"Howling at the Moon". That evening's topic for discussion was called, "Monogamy and Other Relationship Configurations".
Realizing that this was a rather "liberal" show, the Founder accepted the invitation
to be on the show with the condition that his placement on the show's schedule would not
be made to give any implication of anything about which neither he nor the ministry of TRUTH BEARER would actually support, such as fleshly practices and other similar things. In her keen awareness that the Founder was indeed coming from the known "conservative", evangelical Christian background, the show's host, Toni Cook, was indeed very kind, understanding, and thoughtfully respectful in making sure that no such negatives would occur or appear by
implication to occur.
Indeed, the interview very positively far exceeded the expectations of both the show's host and
the Founder of TRUTH BEARER! In what had been originally scheduled by the show to only last for 15 minutes had gone so well that the interview and discussion continued on for the full 45 minutes! The show's host was quite a bit surprised to find the discussion to be as positive as it had gone. (Praise the Lord!)
Here is one short snip from the interview:
[ Toni Cook asked Mark: ]
Why would a love for a woman lead to a need for another wife?
[ In background, Mark tried to interject: ]
It's not an issue of need.
[ Not hearing Mark, Toni Cook continued asking: ]
Why would you, why would you want to have more than "one", one woman
in your life? Why would you NEED another partner in your life? How could
"one" NOT complete you?
[ Mark replied: ]
See, you just phrased it in the opposite direction.
It's not about, see,
Love is not about what YOU want or what YOU get.
Love, as following, following as Christ does, is
coming OUT of you, ministering to the needs of others.
For those who are interested, an audiocassette-tape recording of this very positive 45-minute interview/discussion has also now been made available.
(All readers are encouraged to please see the bottom of this page for more details).
Indeed, this had been an exciting interview on Toni Cook's "progressive
Christian" radio show. And by the end of it, Toni Cook had actually been
persuaded that, based on the Founder's standings on Scripture and his repeatedly
re-iterating the TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force, she declared, saying,
as she put it, that Christian Polygamy (as therein specifically presented to her by the
Founder) is "theologically solid"!
Yes, indeed, love-not-force had SUCCEEDED in PERSUADING, persuading a
woman who is self-professed as not coming from the "patriarchal" or from
the "conservative" Christian viewpoint! This "anti-patriarchal" "woman pastor" of
a large "liberal church" of a somewhat large city, hosting her
own radio show, had been PERSUADED, by only both the Scriptures and the TRUTH BEARER
Vision of love-not-force! The Lord is so awesome! Hallelujah!
The Founder of TRUTH BEARER, being the clear "conservative" on the show,
had answered just about every "conservative" Christian argument in the Scriptures
about polygamy posed to him, and he had equally allayed just about every concern which
both "conservatives" and "liberals" alike would have about about love for women by
his repeatedly re-iterating the TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force. While
the host had made it clear that she did not share the very "conservative"
background of Christian beliefs as those of the Founder, she was nevertheless
still PERSUADED of the acceptability and theological solidity of Christian Polygamy
(even if not for herself to "live that way"). Hallelujah!
So, with all this in mind, this is what makes this tape a very powerful and effective
"tool" for use in the TRUTH BEARER Mission of Bringing Christian Polygamy to the
Churches. Indeed, this tape can be used effectively in passing to either "liberal"
or "conservative" Christians and/or Churches, in seeking to PERSUADE others of Christian Polygamy. This interview went so comprehensively well that it addresses almost every
major "disagreement" and concern about the idea of Christian Polygamy, from Scriptural
proofs to how the TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force
clearly shows Christian Polygamy as ONLY being about loving women
as selflessly and profoundly as Christ so loves the Churches (per Ephesians 5:25).
Among those who heard the interview (whether hearing it "live" or by tape), there seems to be no doubt, this particular tape is and will be a very (Spiritually) powerful and (persuasively) helpful "tool" for any of us indeed in our spreading the message of Christian Polygamy
to others, and actually seeking to go beyond just spreading the message, but actually working to PERSUADE others of Christian Polygamy too! Hallelujah! The Lord alone
be praised! Amen!
Indeed, as the interview had also been "hearable" live on the internet, an announcement
and URL for hearing it "live" was posted in advance on the [now-defunct]
The following quotes are just some of the things which others subsequently
posted to the [now-defunct] FRIENDS And FELLOWHELPERS Listservs after they had listened
to the live radio interview:
Very good Mark. You were very articulate and presented our "case" very well.
Thank you,
[ A husband's Second Wife ]
We were able to listen to most of the interview.
(Except for a few short
seconds here and there when the connection needed "buffering")
Just wanted to say, great job!!!!
It is wonderful to see the message getting out to such a wide audience all
at once.
[ Another husband's Wife ]
Hi Mark. Its [me]. I just wanted
to add that you made a point during the interview which to me stood out and
was key. The moderator had made a remark which you said was in sort of a
turned around way. (forget the exact wording) But then you made the
comment that love is not about what we can get, but about what we can
give. I just thought that was a big one.
[ A Husband ]
I thought Mark's radio interview was an awesome witness, full of compassion and understanding, and giving the movement much credibility. Wow
[ A Minister and Counsellor ]
Additionally, others, too, who have heard the interview
(either live or on the duplicated tape), have also added their additional edifications
and excitement about this tape, as well, referring to the effectiveness in how
this tape may be
used as a rather powerful "tool" for us in the TRUTH BEARER
Mission of Bringing Christian Polygamy to the Churches, in actually
being able to successfully PERSUADE others about our Cause, in spirit and
in truth, in Continuing the Reformation....
be sure to obtain a copy of the interview on tape for yourself.

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media
Mark Henkel Interview Example - Important Questions & Media Credibility
ABC - 20/20
NBC - Today Show
Court TV
February 14, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Entire Transcript]
September 20, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Members, Hear it online]
September 20, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 21, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 24, 2007 - CourtTV.com Online Chat Guest
September 26, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
700 Club / CBN
The Washington Times
USA Today
Portland Phoenix
April 30, 2009, Maine Public Hearing on Same-sex Marriage
May 13, 2009, Where will same-sex marriage be in 2010?
CNS News
March 16, 2006, Report - Polygamy rights is the next civil rights battle
August 31, 2006, Pro-polygamists respond to Warren Jeffs capture
May 10, 2007, Polygamy Leader Compares Gun Control to Marriage Control
AP (Associated Press)
September 06, 2006 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs Caught
November 24, 2006 - Polygamists say Jeffs case paints distorted picture
November 21, 2007 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs is going to prison
Jacob Sullum - Senior Editor NEW!
April 03, 2006, One Man, Many Wives, Big Problems (syndicated article) NEW!
Focus on the Family
MSNBC - Scarborough Country
FOX News
CBS News
National Geographic Television
Whistleblower magazine
Agence France-Presse
Boston Globe
Poughkeepsie Journal
London Daily Mail
Las Vegas Weekly
Metro Source Radio News Wire
The Intelligencer [Published OP-ED]
Culture Shocks with Barry Lynn
Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan
March 28, 2006 - Response to "Big Love"
September 05, 2006 - Response to Warren Jeffs Capture
November 22, 2006 - Jeffs Hearing Proves Not about Polygamy
December 22, 2006 - How Polygamists Manage Christmas
August 08, 2007 - Michel Bryant, Trial Correspondent (filling in)
November 13, 2007 - Michel Bryant, Trial Correspondent (filling in) [Members, Hear it online]
WGAN Morning News with Ken and Mike
KGOW 1560 The Game [Members, Hear it online]
The Michael Medved Show [Members, Hear it online]
The Kevin and Bean Show, on KROQ
The Michael Baisden Show
The Tom Barberi Show
Richmond Morning News with Jimmy Barrett
The Mancow Muller Show
The Dom Giordano Show
The Stirling Show
The Dave Show on KUCI
Hong Kong Radio Television - Backchat
Charlie Wolf's TalkSPORT
Dr. Toni Cook's "Howling at the Moon"
Religion Writers
Human Events
Concerned Women For America
Charles Krauthammer
Patri Friedman NEW!
Christian Civic League [INFORMATIVE CONTENT]
Jerry Falwell
Bible Answer Man
Traditional Values Coalition
Family Research Council