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Polygamy in the Media

Patri Friedman
Pati Friedman has written - more than once - about the arguments advanced by the TruthBearer.org organization's Founder Mark Henkel. The following description of Patri Friedman was reported in an August 19, 2009, op-ed at Pro-Polygamy.com:
National Polygamy Advocate Mark Henkel's arguments had observably broken through to the Intelligentsia. On November, 28, 2008, renowned libertarian intellectual, Patri Friedman, had specifically written more than once about Henkel's arguments for limited government and laissez faire marital economics. Patri Friedman is the son of academic economist and contributing editor to LIBERTY magazine, David Friedman, and he is the grandson of Nobel Prize winning, free market economist, Milton Friedman. REASON magazine reported in July 2009 how Patri is continuing the Friedman intellectual heritage. Patri Friedman has been published by the CATO Institute and has even received a $500,000 donation from Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal, for Friedman’s "Seasteading Institute," a unique experiment for securing libertarian freedom. With such an elite background and set of credentials, Patri Friedman discovered and totally comprehended Mark Henkel's media-reported arguments that the marital socialism of one-man/one-woman incentivizes lazy males not to improve their husband-qualities in the marriage market, thereby depriving many women of decidedly good husbands. Praising what he called Henkel's "great point," Friedman exclaimed to his readers, "What a great argument! Monogamy as marriage marxism, polygamy as competition. Doesn't mean you have to seek multiple partners for yourself - but I buy the case that it's a more libertarian institution." Exactly! Patri Friedman’s "getting it" so exactly is proof that Henkel's argumentation is truly breaking through to the elite intellectual circles.
That August 19, 2009, op-ed cited two different source-locations at which Patri Friedman had made these posts.
Patri Friedman had posted his first piece to his LiveJournal.com account, giving this first post the title, "Polygamy is the next civil rights movement?". He posted a direct quote from the 2006 Newsweek report that had cited Mark Henkel's famous sound-bite (being used in Friedman's title). After the direct quote, Friedman then linked to a March 13, 2008, essay directly written by Mark Henkel, published at the media-distribution site, Pro-Polygamy.com, titled,
"Kick Government Out of Marriage, Not Churches". Friedman correctly reported how Henkel's specific essay pointed out, "how government opposition to polygamy is what got government into defining marriage in the first place, and thus why we have these win-lose fights about gay marriage."
Friedman made his second post at the libertarian blog community website, DistributedRepublic.net, titling it, "Polygamy for libertarians: monogamy = marriage marxism?". The post began with a quote made directly by Mark Henkel in a CNS News interview, in which he was explaining the "marriage Marxism" of one-man/one-woman to a politically-conservative audience. Patri Friedman gave an excellent exposition of what he had gleaned from that quote, re-iterating the competitive-incentivization-to-self-improve upon men provided by de-criminalized-polygamy and the anti-competitive-disincentivization-to-self-improve upon men by enforced one-man/one-woman. Friedman made a passing reference to a 1994 book by Robert Wright, "The Moral Animal: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology." In that book, Robert Wright had originated an unproven theory or supposition that unmarried low-status males "would" become criminals if society does not re-distribute marry-able women to them through government-enforced one-man/one-woman social(ist) policy. However, quickly moving past Wright's unproven theory, Patri Friedman then wrote against the immorality of such a re-distribution and the anti-competition disincentivization that Wright's theory would attempt to "justify." Rather, Patri Friedman completely "got" Mark Henkel's argument, especially the fact that one does not have to seek polygamy for one's own self to see it either.
Mark Henkel and the TruthBearer.org organization are genuinely grateful to Patri Friedman.
It is truly gratifying to see that someone with such a renowned intellectual background and heritage as Patri Friedman would truly "get it" and would re-iterate these arguments so succinctly.

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media
Mark Henkel Interview Example - Important Questions & Media Credibility
ABC - 20/20
NBC - Today Show
Court TV
February 14, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Entire Transcript]
September 20, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Members, Hear it online]
September 20, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 21, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 24, 2007 - CourtTV.com Online Chat Guest
September 26, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
700 Club / CBN
The Washington Times
USA Today
Portland Phoenix
April 30, 2009, Maine Public Hearing on Same-sex Marriage
May 13, 2009, Where will same-sex marriage be in 2010?
CNS News
March 16, 2006, Report - Polygamy rights is the next civil rights battle
August 31, 2006, Pro-polygamists respond to Warren Jeffs capture
May 10, 2007, Polygamy Leader Compares Gun Control to Marriage Control
AP (Associated Press)
September 06, 2006 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs Caught
November 24, 2006 - Polygamists say Jeffs case paints distorted picture
November 21, 2007 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs is going to prison
Jacob Sullum - Senior Editor NEW!
April 03, 2006, One Man, Many Wives, Big Problems (syndicated article) NEW!
Focus on the Family
MSNBC - Scarborough Country
FOX News
CBS News
National Geographic Television
Whistleblower magazine
Agence France-Presse
Boston Globe
Poughkeepsie Journal
London Daily Mail
Las Vegas Weekly
Metro Source Radio News Wire
The Intelligencer [Published OP-ED]
Culture Shocks with Barry Lynn
Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan
March 28, 2006 - Response to "Big Love"
September 05, 2006 - Response to Warren Jeffs Capture
November 22, 2006 - Jeffs Hearing Proves Not about Polygamy
December 22, 2006 - How Polygamists Manage Christmas
August 08, 2007 - Michel Bryant, Trial Correspondent (filling in)
November 13, 2007 - Michel Bryant, Trial Correspondent (filling in) [Members, Hear it online]
WGAN Morning News with Ken and Mike
KGOW 1560 The Game [Members, Hear it online]
The Michael Medved Show [Members, Hear it online]
The Kevin and Bean Show, on KROQ
The Michael Baisden Show
The Tom Barberi Show
Richmond Morning News with Jimmy Barrett
The Mancow Muller Show
The Dom Giordano Show
The Stirling Show
The Dave Show on KUCI
Hong Kong Radio Television - Backchat
Charlie Wolf's TalkSPORT
Dr. Toni Cook's "Howling at the Moon"
Religion Writers
Human Events
Concerned Women For America
Charles Krauthammer
Patri Friedman NEW!
Christian Civic League [INFORMATIVE CONTENT]
Jerry Falwell
Bible Answer Man
Traditional Values Coalition
Family Research Council
 Polygamy in the Media
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