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Polygamy in the Media

Jacob Sullum,   Senior Editor, REASON
Jacob Sullum, Senior Editor

On more than one occasion, Jocob Sullum, Senior Editor at, has reported about news affecting consenting adult polygamy.

After criminal rogue Mormon polygamist, Tom Green, was convicted on May 18, 2001, the organization's Founder, Mark Henkel, was out in the media speaking out against Tom Green - such as, for one example, this May 20, 2001 interview. A week later, Jacob Sullum wrote a May 29, 2001, article in, titled, "Attacking Pluralism". Sullum correctly noted, "Polygamists complain that Tom Green is giving them a bad name." (Indeed, Tom Green has been so opposed by pro-polygamists that he has even been called "the polygamy Tim MacVeigh". For subsequent information about the Tom Green case, please see this August 24, 2001 interview, this August 18, 2004 op-ed, and this August 8, 2007 op-ed.)

In a separate news story altogether, on February 26, 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a case from another rogue Mormon polygamist, Rodney Holm. That same day, a professional op-ed was sent out to the media through the media-distribution site,, "Pro-Polygamists Relieved Supreme Court Refused to Hear Holm Case". Two days later, the organization itself issued a press release through another media-distribution site,, using the similar title (with permission) in order to help further publicize the importance of the original op-ed.

The original op-ed had reported how Utah's State Supreme Court had decided to "have its cake and eat it too." Namely, to find Holm guilty of bigamy, the court decided he was married to the 16 year old girl. Then, to also find him guilty of "unlawful sexual conduct with a minor," the court decided that Holm was NOT married to her (because, otherwise, it was legal for a man to have marital relations with a 16 year old legally-married wife in Utah). Holm subsequently attempted to appeal his case to the U.S. Supreme Court based on the Lawrence v. Texas case of 2003. But because his case involved a 16 year old, it did not involve consenting adults as the Lawrence v. Texas case otherwise required. Hence, pro-polygamists were actually glad that the U.S. Supreme Court did not hear the appeal. Even so, the blatant contradiction of the Utah State Supreme Court's decision remained, deciding that Holm was both married and not married at the very same time.

The very next day after the organization's February 28, 2007 press release was sent out, Jacob Sullum wrote a March 1, 2007, article in, titled, "Marriage Without Benefits." Linking to both the original op-ed at and the organization's press release, he correctly repeated the direct contradiction of the Utah State Supreme Court "having its cake and eating it too" in the original decision against Holm. Jacob Sullum also reported how normal supporters of consenting adult polygamy were glad that the U.S. Supreme Court had correctly chosen to not hear the case.

Both the organization and its Founder Mark Henkel are genuinely grateful to both REASON and its Senior Editor Jacob Sullum for so fairly and accurately reporting the news pertaining to normal consenting adult polygamy.
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Jacob Sullum - Senior Editor
April 03, 2006, One Man, Many Wives, Big Problems (syndicated article)


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