This Interview is Available on TAPE.
Allyson Smith
August, 2003
(Interview: July 10, 2003)
Whistleblower Magazine Interviews Founder
About Lawrence v. Texas case
On July 10, 2003, Allyson Smith, freelance writer for
Whistleblower magazine,
interviewed the Founder of
The Whistleblower magazine is a monthly print magazine targeted toward political conservatives.
It is published by
WorldNetDaily.com, an online news service out of Grants Pass, Oregon.
The 52-minute telephone interview
was for an article which would be published
in the August, 2003 issue of
Whistleblower. The
interview was recorded on audiocassette tape,
and is available for order.
Allyson Smith, a kind-hearted conservative Catholic single woman,
was seeking information for an article she had been asked to write about
the U.S. Supreme Court's June 26th decision
in the Lawrence v. Texas case. Toward that end,
she sought pro-polygamy information from the
TruthBearer organization.
The interview went very well, perhaps even to Allyson Smith's own surprise. To every question she asked, she received an intelligent answer. The interview was conducted very friendly indeed.
As can be heard on the audiocassette recording of the interview, Mark the Founder
was able to successfully make a number of excellent points. Miss Smith was positively surprised that she received responses from him which made more biblical and even conservative-political sense to her than she had been expecting to hear.
The entire article about which she had been asked to write included several other topics (not positively connected to polygamy). Even so, after the positive interview in which she knew she had been speaking with a true Christian conservative Bible believer (Mark the Founder), she ended up writing the "polygamy" segment of her article in a very positive manner indeed.
No doubt, pro-polygamy activists will want to be sure to order the audiocassette recording of this telephone interview.
What now follows is the specific snip from Allyson Smith's article, followed by a quick
clarification and comment at the end.
Court Opens Pandora's Box of Perversion
After sodomy decision, the unthinkable may be just around the corner
By Allyson Smith
© 2003 Whistleblower
Published: August, 2003
Snip from Pages 13-14
Lawrence ruling 'secures polygamy rights'
Some polygamy advocates are enthused about the Lawrence ruling, based on the Ninth Amendment. On July 1, the Pro-Polygamy.com website issued a press release explaining that two Supreme Court decisions have secured "polygamy rights," adding: "Laws which 'impermissibly target' or violate the 'right to privacy' of adult, free-consenting polygamists have been made unconstitutional."
The Pro-Polygamy.com website links to a much more extensive site named, TruthBearer.org, an organization promoting the concept of "Christian polygamy."
Based in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, TruthBearer.org was founded in 1994 by Mark H*****. On July 10, H***** told Whistleblower the Lawrence decision "absolutely" empowers his group's mission to advance a biblical concept of polygamy, although he refused to reveal any details about legal strategy. "We're after decriminalization based on the Tenth Amendment, not legalization. The government has no authority to be involved in marriage in the first place. You don't need the false god of socialist government to be defining marriage because God alone defined it."
"We've now had two major Supreme Court cases that portend well for polygamy," continued H*****. He cited the 1996 Romer v. Evans case establishing the "impermissible targeting" precedent. In that ruling the Court overturned Colorado's Amendment 2, which prohibited giving "protected status" to people with homosexual, lesbian or bisexual orientation.
"The reason Amendment 2 was overturned was because it impermissibly targeted a class of individuals; in that case, homosexuals," said H*****. "Likewise, anti-polygamy laws 'impermissibly target' another class of individuals, polygamists. Lawrence v. Texas now adds to that, providing a second argument of the 'right to privacy' for consenting adults."
A self-described "strict constitutionalist," H***** says that Christian conservative organizations that currently support a proposed federal marriage amendment are unwittingly making a mistake. "The fact that government got involved in marriage in the first place is what actually opened the door for homosexuals. With decriminalization, you keep the false god of government out. That's why the idea of a constitutional amendment actually amounts to a big government socialist solution."
H***** rejected comparisons placing polygamy in the same class as other aberrant sexual behaviors. "It's extraordinarily offensive to have Christian polygamy compared with dishonest bigamy, homosexuality, bestiality, and incest, because you're lumping Abraham, David and Moses, who had multiple wives, in with people who do those things."
The audiocassette recording of the 52-minute telephone interview
with the Founder of TruthBearer.org, pertaining to the above published article's segment, has been mass produced and is now available for order.
Final Clarifications and Comment:
For a brief clarification...
In the interview, Mark the Founder did not actually say that polygamy activists are "enthused" about the Lawrence v. Texas decision, implying support for the "sodomy" aspect. Rather, he had simply explained that the decision was Constitutional, based upon the principle of the Ninth Amendment. (The Ninth Amendment establishes that the rights of the individual do NOT have to be exclicitly stated or codified in the Constitution to exist nevertheless.) While at first glance, this might appear as only a mere semantic matter, it is actually very important to clarify it. Otherwise, some might incorrectly mis-interpret the statement as if polygamy supporters were somehow being "enthused" about the "sodomy" aspect of the case. That was never the case.
Overall, while it is unfortunate that the larger article included issues of true perversions, Allyson Smith was truly kind to present our polygamy segment of the article so positively --even to clarify how we are truly unconnected to such other ideas.
Aside from all that and the little semantic issue, though, Allyson Smith's article absolutely did positively present and represent what was said in the interview quite well indeed. She is truly to be commended indeed for operating with such honesty. And because readers of that magazine tend to be conservative Bible-believers, it was all the more positive and valuable an article indeed.
The ministry of
is truly and genuinely
grateful to Allyson Smith
for the truly positive telephone interview which she conducted prior
to writing this article, as well as for writing the article itself.
Her interview and article provided yet another constructive opportunity
with which to get out our positive message about TRUE Christian
Polygamy. All readers are certainly encouraged to obtain their own copy of that
August 2003 Whistleblower issue and see for one's own self.
Not only that... Now YOU can get a copy of the audiocassette recording of this very positive media interview too. YOU can help further spread the word to others too!
Order your copy TODAY!
Glory to God that that message gets out! Alleluia Hallelujah!

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media
Mark Henkel Interview Example - Important Questions & Media Credibility
ABC - 20/20
NBC - Today Show
Court TV
February 14, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Entire Transcript]
September 20, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Members, Hear it online]
September 20, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 21, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
September 24, 2007 - CourtTV.com Online Chat Guest
September 26, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]
700 Club / CBN
The Washington Times
USA Today
Portland Phoenix
April 30, 2009, Maine Public Hearing on Same-sex Marriage
May 13, 2009, Where will same-sex marriage be in 2010?
CNS News
March 16, 2006, Report - Polygamy rights is the next civil rights battle
August 31, 2006, Pro-polygamists respond to Warren Jeffs capture
May 10, 2007, Polygamy Leader Compares Gun Control to Marriage Control
AP (Associated Press)
September 06, 2006 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs Caught
November 24, 2006 - Polygamists say Jeffs case paints distorted picture
November 21, 2007 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs is going to prison
Jacob Sullum - Senior Editor NEW!
April 03, 2006, One Man, Many Wives, Big Problems (syndicated article) NEW!
Focus on the Family
MSNBC - Scarborough Country
FOX News
CBS News
National Geographic Television
Whistleblower magazine
Agence France-Presse
Boston Globe
Poughkeepsie Journal
London Daily Mail
Las Vegas Weekly
Metro Source Radio News Wire
The Intelligencer [Published OP-ED]
Culture Shocks with Barry Lynn
Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan
March 28, 2006 - Response to "Big Love"
September 05, 2006 - Response to Warren Jeffs Capture
November 22, 2006 - Jeffs Hearing Proves Not about Polygamy
December 22, 2006 - How Polygamists Manage Christmas
August 08, 2007 - Michel Bryant, Trial Correspondent (filling in)
November 13, 2007 - Michel Bryant, Trial Correspondent (filling in) [Members, Hear it online]
WGAN Morning News with Ken and Mike
KGOW 1560 The Game [Members, Hear it online]
The Michael Medved Show [Members, Hear it online]
The Kevin and Bean Show, on KROQ
The Michael Baisden Show
The Tom Barberi Show
Richmond Morning News with Jimmy Barrett
The Mancow Muller Show
The Dom Giordano Show
The Stirling Show
The Dave Show on KUCI
Hong Kong Radio Television - Backchat
Charlie Wolf's TalkSPORT
Dr. Toni Cook's "Howling at the Moon"
Religion Writers
Human Events
Concerned Women For America
Charles Krauthammer
Patri Friedman NEW!
Christian Civic League [INFORMATIVE CONTENT]
Jerry Falwell
Bible Answer Man
Traditional Values Coalition
Family Research Council