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Questions to Ponder
In the movie, BRAVEHEART, was William Wallace right to violate the "Law of the Land"?

Questions to Ponder

In BRAVEHEART, Was William Wallace right to violate the "Law of the Land"?

In the movie, "BRAVEHEART", the main character,
William Wallace, married his wife "in secret",
without any government approval whatsoever.

But in doing so, he was violating and defying the "law of the land".

This was because the English King had decreed the following to be the "law of the land". Namely, a "noble" in any region in the kingdom was "entitled", by such law, to have full "conjugal rights" on the wedding night of a woman's marriage. That is, it was thus the "law of the land" that any woman who got married to any man would have to surrender herself on her wedding night to sleep ---not with her new husband, but--- with the "noble" who ruled over that mini-territory on behalf of the king.

The main character in the movie, William Wallace, defied the "law of the land", and married his wife "in secret", so that she could be spared being so defiled by another man on their wedding night.

It is true that most Scripture-believing Christians these days would likely retract in horror at the thought of this happening "by law" ---indeed!

But the fact remains that this matter about marriage was the "law of the land".

And William Wallace was defying the "law of the land" by marrying his wife without governmental approval or knowledge.

Since many Christians are usually quick to say that the Apostle Paul instructs Christians to obey the "law of the land" (with many Christians even believing that this instruction even applies to matters of marriage), does Paul's instruction to obey the "law of the land" apply no matter what, as in this situation with William Wallace?

Was William Wallace "right" to defy the "law of the land" and not bother telling his government that he had married his wife "in secret"?

This is the QUESTION to Ponder!

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Questions to Ponder
In the movie, BRAVEHEART, was William Wallace right to violate the "Law of the Land"?


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Old Orchard Beach, ME, 04064
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