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Attack on America, 9-11-2001   [ Menu ]

Attack on America, 9-11-2001

In this Time of Terror,
   Let us Bring
   Peace, Hope, Joy of Christ

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark the Founder
To: FAF Listservs
Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 2:39 PM EST
Subject: In this time of terror, let us bring peace and joy and hope of Christ

Greetings in the love of the Lord!

U.S. President George W. Bush has provided a wise, strong, and calm leadership through this tragedy.

Also, the U.S. Congress has declared today to be a national day of mourning and unity. And, fittingly, they all stood together on the steps at the Capitol, all together, singing the song, "God Bless America".

No doubt that we can and will rise up from the devastation, having a resilient and strenghtened spirit and resolve.

Above all else, it is the CHRIST part of "Christian Polygamy" which and Who is our highest priority and peace and consolation in any and all tribulation and terror.

How much profoundly more important that truth is to us who are Christians than any doctrinal issues, including polygyny doctrine. And how much more, therefore, do all who are hurting from such devastation and terror need to see CHRIST in us at this time. Let that be our highest and foremost thought torward all.

Indeed, let us walk in HIS righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, which IS the kingdom of God, per Romans 14:17. Hallelujah!

We can and will overcome, as He has overcome. Praise God!

Christ our Lord has said to us, as it is written,

"These things have I spoken unto you,
that in me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation:
but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world."
(John 16:33.)

O how we thank the Lord
Jesus the Christ,
Joshua the Messiah,
Yehoshua ha'Mashiyach!

And so, let us go forward with ministering, abounding in the hope of Jesus Christ IN us, that to us and to all who are hurting from this great devastation, that we bring the peace and joy of the Lord in consolation. As it is written, truly,

"Now the God of hope
fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
that ye may abound in hope,
through the power of the Holy Ghost."
(Romans 15:13.)

Alleluia Hallelujah!

May God bless us indeed.

YHWH bless...

  Acts 24:14
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Attack on America, 09-11-2001
Hearts and Prayers for the Families
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This is "Pearl Harbor" (9/11/01)
In this Time of Terror....(9/12/01)
Bringing Christ's Joy through our Human Tears (9/13/01)


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