NEWS: Aug.16, 2015 - 10 Years Ago, “Christian Polygamy” Made History
NEWS: July 4, 2014 - Christian Polygamy Movement is 20 Years Old

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"Print This Page" FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I use this web-site's "Print This Page" service?

  2. Will this service set or activate my printer by itself?

  3. What is the "Set your Preferences" link for?

  4. Is this service FREE?

  5. If I do not make a contribution or donation, will any "consequences" come my way?

  6. May I photocopy the pages I print?

  7. Why is my Email Address needed?

  8. By giving my Email Address, will I be spammed?

  9. After I enter my Email Address, why does my IP and HOST information show thereafter?

  10. I printed a page previously and "bookmarked" it back when I was printing it. But when I come back to that page later, it doesn't allow me directly back to it. Why?

  11. I clicked on the "Print This Page" link on a page that is not about content or general text, and when I tried to print it, the service did not work. Why?

  12. I clicked on the "Print This Page" link on a page that is not working that DOES have content, yet it is not working. Why?

  13. I found a typo on a page that I want to print. What should I do?

How do I use this web-site's "Print This Page" service?

On any content page in the main part of the web-site that you want to print, locate the "Print This Page" link and click it. That next page will automatically determine that the page you just "clicked from" is the page you want to print. Then, enter your email address and click the button. Next, if all the information is "All Set", click the button to go to Page to Print. That will then give you a page of the same text in a layout specifically for printing (removing all the navigation columns and so forth).

Will this service set or activate my printer by itself?

No. Once you are at the final page that your printer is going to print, you will have to set your own printer settings on your own computer and to activate the print job with it. All this service does is provide you with a printer-ready format of the content of the web-pages at this web-site.

What is the "Set your Preferences" link for?

This is an especially exciting aspect of the "Print This Page" feature at this site. Namely, this gives you the freedom to specify the display characteristics of the page you want to print! If you want your printed page to have a different font, font-size, line-alignment, line-spacing, and more, the "Set your Preferences" page will allow you to set it to your own choices. To use this feature, click that "Set your Preferences" link BEFORE you proceed on to print the page. (Do not worry, your page will stay right there in that window as you click that link.) Instead, clicking the link will open a new window. By having that in a new and separate window, this makes it possible for you to test and change the settings to that which you most prefer ---all without having to leave the first window of the "Print This Page" window for the page you actually want to print.

Is this service FREE?

Yes. You do not have to pay for this service whatsoever if you are not able or not willing to do so. May this FREE service be a blessing to you.

If I do not make a contribution or donation, will any "consequences" come my way?

Absolutely not. This is a FREE service. It does, of course, cost this ministry money in order to provide such resources, and so that's why, for anyone who is willing and able to make such a contribution for making printouts, we make a simple invitation for such ones to make such a contribution to help this ministry continue to help others. But regardless, if one is not so inclined or able to make such a contribution, the fact remains that this is a completely FREE service. May this FREE service only be a blessing for all who use it.

May I photocopy the pages I print?

Yes. In fact, it's even encouraged! Spread the word! While all of the pages are wholly copyrighted information, and as long as no removal or otherwise deliberate "hiding" of such copyright notices occur on your photocopies, then you are free to photocopy and distribute the printed pages. (Yes, if you are wanting to pass these out, or to leave quantities of photocopies in public places as "tracts", etc., you certainly do have permission to do so.) The only thing which you may have permission to "white out" or otherwise delete in such photocopies is the personal information of your email address, IP, and HOST information as displayed at the bottom of the pages.

Why is my Email Address needed?

It is important to know who is making printed copies of this copyrighted material.

By giving my Email Address, will I be spammed?

No. One or two emails may be sent to your address, perhaps with additional information which might be of interest to you about this organization. One email may be sent to you so as to simply confirm that you provided your actual email address and that your address actually works. But other than for these specific reasons, you should not be receiving any additional email at your address (from this particular activity) unless you request it. (Of course, if you sign up for other things for other purposes from this ministry, then that would be different --- although such emails to your email address then would based on such other purposes and not from this "Print This Page" service.)

After I enter my Email Address, why does my IP and HOST information show thereafter?

This is a security precaution. It protects the owner of the email address that is entered. If someone enters an email address of someone else without the approval of that "someone else", then when this ministry subsequently sends an email to that "someone else" (done so as to confirm the working aspect of the email address [et al]), the IP and HOST information is apt to also be included. That way, if "someone else" has indeed had their email address entered into this service without their approval, then that "someone else", being the owner of the entered email address, is then being provided with the necessary information with which to determine who was falsely entering their email address without their consent, with which to perhaps proceed with criminal charges, if they so choose. Obviously, if the email address belongs to you as the person who entered it in the first place, then your seeing the IP and HOST information in a subsequent email from this ministry to you will be of no concern to you. After all, all you would be seeing is your own information in an email sent only to you anyway.

I printed a page previously and "bookmarked" it back when I was printing it. But when I come back to that page later, it doesn't allow me directly back to it. Why?

It is important for this ministry to know each time when one of these copyrighted pages are being printed. To get back to a page in order to print again, simply surf to the original page on the main part of web-site, and follow the procedures again to print that page in the "Print This Page" service.

I clicked on the "Print This Page" link on a page that is not about content or general text, and when I tried to print it, the service did not work. Why?

The "Print This Page" service is for the printing of CONTENT at this web-site. It is not provided for printing things unrelated to CONTENT. Accordingly, if such a situation as that arises, then it is only due to the fact that such a page is not CONTENT-based and was thus not entered into the system for being printable.

I clicked on the "Print This Page" link on a page that is not working that DOES have content, yet it is not working. Why?

That would appear to potentially be a technical problem at the web-site.
Please Report this Problem. Your help in solving such issues is surely appreciated. Thank you.

I found a typo on a page that I want to print. What should I do?

Unfortunately, this can happen every once in awhile. While it will not be "fixable" immediately at that very moment, the typo CAN be rectified later, with your help in letting this organization know about such typos when you find them. Indeed,
Please Report TYPOS, if you can. When you let this ministry know where and how a typo occurs, we can then know to go fix it. In fact, to make it even easier for you to help in this regard, the little yellow email-envelope icon near the top of every page provides a very easy way to email this ministry. And not only that, the web-code should even provide the URL of the page you are "at", at that very moment, and it should put that URL in the very email which you could then send in to this organization. (This should work with most modern email software, anyway.) That way, when you notify this ministry of such typos by clicking that email icon, all you would do is perhaps explain where on THAT page of the already-provided URL that the typo occurs and what the typo is itself. Anyway, if you find any typos, your help in letting this ministry know is surely appreciated. Thank you.
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"Print This Page" FAQ


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Polygamy in the Media

Last Site Update: Aug.16


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Or, Polygamy & Monogamy Compared"
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Old Orchard Beach, ME, 04064
A Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Scripture-believing organization for Christian Polygamy.