NEWS: Aug.16, 2015 - 10 Years Ago, “Christian Polygamy” Made History
NEWS: July 4, 2014 - Christian Polygamy Movement is 20 Years Old

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Updates 2002

December 01, 2002
12:01 AM EST
Announced the creation of TruthBearer.US, another brand new site for the organization! Created our trademark question, Are you one of US? (SM). This site is where the password-protected Members Area content is now hosted.
The initial "public area" web-pages are:
    What's "Inside"?
    Who's "Inside"?
    Our "Cause"?
    Can Not Afford?

November 01, 2002
11:00 AM EST
Last month, the organization had another new upgrade to the Web Services we provide. The Web Hosting services now provide the option of having a site hosted on a UNIX (Linux) server. Accordingly, the Special Offer for MEMBERS page has been updated to reflect this exciting special offer!

October 07, 2002
10:00 AM EST
Finally added the needed cut&paste-able HTML (for webmasters) at the Links Back page. This is for webmasters who want to place a link to on their own web-sites

October 4, 2002
9:30 AM EST
Updated the Online Library Listings of the online book,
"The History and Philosophy of Marriage; or, Polygamy and Compared".
Added the following three new listings:

September 27, 2002
2:00 PM EST (top)
Modified the domain root page, in the "If You're Now Ready to Read..." section. This now displays the latest posting of articles in the TruthBearer MEMBERS Area, as a way to give people an incentive to consider TruthBearer MEMBERSHIP.

September 26, 2002
2:30 PM EST
Created the Promotion page. It displays the "AdsBetween" contents. (See August 9, 2002, below.) This way, for webpages where it might be necessary to make direct links to those "AdsBetween" contents, this may be accomplished by linking to this new created Promotion page.

September 20, 2002
11:00 AM EST
The FAF Listservs ("Friends and Fellowhelpers") has been modified to reflect new standards, Guidelines, termas & Conditions. As well, removed the "Fellowhelpers" segment, as it is no longer applicable.

September 01, 2002
9:00 AM EST
Created the new page to announce the NEW pro-polygamy non-profit corporation to help advance the Cause.

August 09, 2002
12:30 PM EST
For the entire "public area" of the web-site, created and installed the exclusive system of what we call, "AdsBetween". With this new innovation, whenever a surfer clicks to another page in the "public area" of the web-site, clicking from within the web-site already, they will first receive a page of "AdsBetween" advertising. That "AdsBetween" page will provide a link to the content of the page to which the surfer will then be able to click. As well, this system also allows for exceptions, such as areas as the GOSPEL, Scripture Search Tools, and signing up for Friends And Fellowhelpers email listservs. When additional exceptions become necessary, they too can be set as an exception.

August 08, 2002
10:30 AM EST
Cleaned and Updated the links web-page. Removed a dead link ("All About Christian Polygamy" site). Moved a few sites from categories to more appropriate categories. Created a new category, Different / Solo Individuals, to link sites by individuals by themselves or who present what could be thought of as different thoughts about polygamy. Re-named a category ("Books Miscelleanous") to Books & Videos Miscellaneous. And added the links for new sites:

Books & Videos Miscellaneous
  "Voices in Harmony" [Mormon] © 12/2000
  "More Than One" [Mormon] © 12/2002
  VIDEO: "Polygamy and Me" © 2002

Different / Solo Individuals

  "Voices in Harmony"

June 14, 2002
7:00 PM EST
Created the new web-pages for the new services of POLYGAMY SEMINARS (tm). Also posted the link thereto, on the front page, as follows:

Attend one of our


It's so easy!

June 07, 2002
11:00 AM EST
Upgraded the main chatline of the TruthBearer ChatLines.
Some of the new features include:
For general public:
  * IP address displayed for non-members who post to the ChatLine.
  * Emoticons (general) :) makes a smileyface, and :( makes a frownyface.
  * Profanity filter/remover
Additional features for TruthBearer Members:
  * Password-access when entering chat, to HIDE their IP addresses
  * Password-access to additional codes for dozens of additional emoticons.

May 31, 2002
11:30 AM EST
Added new product for people to order: TruthBearer T-SHIRTS!

April 23, 2002
1:00 PM EST
At the WebServices web-site of TruthBearer.NET, created the Default Site SETUP directory to include articles and details to explain how a web-site is developed by the organization and to detail what is included when people place an order for such services. This directory goes side-by-side with the Default Site TEMPLATE.

April 23, 2002
1:00 PM EST
At the WebServices web-site of TruthBearer.NET, created the Default Site TEMPLATE. It is a "pretend", yet fully functional, mini-web-site, to demonstrate what a web-site looks like when developed for people who order such WebServices by the organization.

April 02, 2002
11:30 AM EST
Updated the top of the organization's web-site to "make public" the information-page for the next TRUTH BEARER GetTogether, August 17-18 (& 19 too!). (That is, it had previously been publicized in EMAIL UPDATES and FAF Email listserv emails. But now, the gathering is "public" on the main site too.)

April 02, 2002
10:30 AM EST
Cleaned and Updated the links web-page. Removed a couple dead links ("Bereans" and "Christian Morality" site). Moved a few sites from categories to more appropriate categories. And added the links for the two new sites, and

April 02, 2002
9:00 AM EST
Following the official April 1st launch of another new web-site,, posted the link to it on all the web-pages of all the web-sites in the network of web-sites with our organization.

March 22, 2002
9:00 AM EST
Added a new site which is being hosted and developed by our organization. It was officially launched at 9:00 AM EST, Friday, March 22, 2002:

March 07, 2002
3:00 PM EST
Updated the information-page for the next TRUTH BEARER GetTogether, August 17-18 (& 19 too!).

February 08, 2002
3:00 PM EST
Created a new and exclusive product to serve the needs of people who want to ask questions quickly of this ministry, but who do not want to divulge their own personal information or be on a long-term listserv. The new ASK AWAY (tm) email listserv allows a person to sign up for $5.00 and they have 2 weeks to ask their questions.

Got a Question?
ASK AWAY! (tm)

January 25, 2002
11:00 AM EST
Made a technological upgrade of the Polygamy Quote of the Day. This now will enable people to subscribe to the daily emails, in real-time. Additionally, changed the Polygamy Quote of the Day emails to now be sent as a separate individiual list, to be more publicly available. (That is, heretofore, these daily emails were only aemailed email day to to those who had signed up for the Friends and Fellowhelpers email listservs. But now it will be possible to receive these dail emails without being on the FAF listservs.)
Added this to the right-side navigation column, too:

of the Day

Now!  -->

Read Today's Quote

January 18, 2002
1:00 PM EST
Added new posting to the FORCE sub-directory, in the Love-not-Force directory, titled,
Self-Justification's Seductively Clever Obvious *Truth*.
It is also posted in the same directory-structure at

January 07, 2002
3:00 PM EST
Created and unveiled the exclusive new web-site personalization system, To begin this exciting new system, the first Module that has been installed allows surfers to choose from three different web-site LAYOUT selections. And this will only be the beginning of what this exciting new system will be able to offer surfers.


Polygamy in the Media.  Interviews and more with the TruthBearer organization!
Polygamy in the Media

Last Site Update: Aug.16


Polygamy Organization
Polygamy in the Media

Interview Example
with the Founder

Important Questions
& Media Credibility

Request a
Polygamy Interview

 Above All Else

Gospel of Jesus Christ
Search the Scriptures


History of Christian Polygamy Movement

"The History and Philosophy of Marriage;
Or, Polygamy & Monogamy Compared"
1869 BOOK
(Re-printed Free)

 General Navigation

Polygamy Intro
Reading Directories
About This Ministry
Polygamy Links

Last Update:

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TRUTH BEARER is a CLEAN web-site in all categories, making it completely family-friendly!
Copyright © 1994 - 2025
Old Orchard Beach, ME, 04064
A Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Scripture-believing organization for Christian Polygamy.