December 01, 2003
4:00 pm EST
Added the link to the new site,, to the
Primary Polygamy Links page.
December 01, 2003
4:00 pm EST
A new site,, has replaced the old site of As this new site is also being hosted by the web-services of, added the link to it on the pages there.
November 07, 2003
4:00 pm EST
/ [ all content pages ]
In the left-side navigation-column, removed the link to
November 07, 2003
4:00 pm EST
Disabled the exclusive linking script for capturing which URLs are clicked by surfers at this site.
(It had first been installed on July 21, 2003.) This disabling is also part of the seach engine optimization process.
November 07, 2003
11:00 am EST
/ [ front page ]
Replaced the yellow-box on the front-page to promote the latest posted media interview and tape.
November 06, 2003
4:00 pm EST
Added the latest media posting (of the taped interview below), MAGAZINE Interviews Founder, after Lawrence v. Texas [Whistleblower], for published article, August 2003. This page includes the snip from the published article.
November 06, 2003
4:00 pm EST
Added the latest media interview tape, Whistleblower Magazine Interviews Founder After Lawrence v. Texas, 07-10-03
November 03, 2003
2:30 pm EST
/ [ all content pages ]
In the left-side navigation column on all the pages, removed the grey-box with all the links in it. Replaced it with the smaller, single links-box.
Replaced it with
November 03, 2003
2:30 pm EST
Filled the parent Links directory page with "The Primary Polygamy Links".
November 03, 2003
2:30 pm EST
Created a new Incoming Links to page.
November 03, 2003
2:30 pm EST
Moved the "Your Polygamy HomePage" into its own lower subdirectory
November 02, 2003
12:30 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
To reduce the HTML code volume, replaced the Ask Away ™" link's coding in the right-navigation column with a simple GIF.
Replaced it with
October 28, 2003
12:30 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
Scanned through remainder of the front page for any links to off-site URLs to replace them with the off-robot re-directable page link. (For example, the link to ICRA at bottom of the page was so-modified.)
October 28, 2003
12:01 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
In the right-side navigation column on the front page, removed the huge table for the MEDIA INTERVIEW tapes. Replaced it with the following single large GIF so as to reduce the size of HTML coding. (Also made it as a link using an off-robot re-directable page, so that the link is not used as an off-site URL.)
October 28, 2003
10:00 am EST
/ [ front page ]
Near the bottom of the front page, removed the links to the other TruthBearer Websites. Replaced it with the following new form.
October 28, 2003
9:00 am EST
/ [ front page ]
Changed the topline text-line from a Paragraph to a Headline. Updated the CSS file. Re-positioned the tracker to near the bottom.
October 27, 2003
3:00 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
In order to remove links to other domains off-site located on the front page, created the following pages:
Polygamy Passport
Polygamy History.
Then, changed the off-site links on the front page to these new pages.
October 25, 2003
6:00 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
Removed the
Polygamy Quote of the Day nav-box (in the right-column) from the front page.
October 19, 2003
12:01 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
Re-Validated the markup coding of the front page, using the "loose" DTD of HTML 4.01 Transitional, for increased browser-use.
October 16, 2003
4:00 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
Added some further text-tweaking to the front page of the web-site, for further clarification of information.
October 01, 2003
2:00 pm EST
/ [ front page ]
Completely revised the front page of the web-site. Removed the "link-heavy" navigation column of the left-side. (It still remains on the content pages, though.) Re-worded the text on the front page. Also, created the new
SITE MAP page. This is the beginning of some ongoing experimentations with new "looks" for the site.
September 19, 2003
4:30 pm EST
/ [ all pages ]
Changed the email address on all the pages to
ContactUs@TruthBearer.US. This new address includes a new autoresponse message for all who email to it.
September 19, 2003
3:25 pm EST
/ [ all pages ]
In the right-side navigation column, removed the two following "boxes".
September 19, 2003
3:15 pm EST
/ [ all pages ]
In the left-side column "Say It" navigaton box, removed the link to the no-longer-usable third-party forum. Also removed the link to "FAF", as that is being shut down too.
September 08, 2003
3:00 pm EST
Added a new taped media-interview, Agence France-Presse Interviews Founder About Lawrence v. Texas.
September 05, 2003
2:00 pm EST
/ [ all pages ]
Removed the AdsBetween™ pages. (That is, the system can still use them, but they have been removed for now.) These pages had been interfering with search-engine placement. Subsequent testing later proves that search-engine placement returned to normal high positions again.
August 28, 2003
3:00 pm EST
Added a new article published about Christian Polygamy from an interview of the Founder by (See previous entry below.)
August 28, 2003
2:30 pm EST
Added a new taped media-interview, WorldNetDaily Interviews Founder About Lawrence v. Texas.
August 15, 2003
1:30 pm EST
On Your Polygamy Homepage (links page), moved the "Misc. Pages" section up above the "Also Friendly" section of links.
Added the following links to the "Misc. Pages" section:
Added the following links to the "Anti-Polygamy" section:
August 15, 2003
1:00 pm EST
/ [all pages]
Removing the recently added little table at the very top, and changing it into a simple paragraph, updated the top of the site's pages with the following new info, as follows:
Request a Polygamy Interview
August 15, 2003
12:30 pm EST
/ [home]
As the TruthBearer GetTogether 2003 begins tomorrow, removed the link to it from the front page.
August 08, 2003
4:00 pm EST
/ [all pages]
Added the following new site to the "LINKS" grey-box on the left-column navigation:
July 21, 2003
1:00 pm EST
Created the exclusive linking script for capturing which URLs are clicked by surfers at this site. Installed in such a way so that the links on any page (except the root of the domain) will be captured and then will be redirected-to the clicked-link's URL. This also is part of the search engine optimization process.
July 11, 2003
5:30 pm EST
/ [all pages]
Updated the top of the site's pages with the following new linking info, as follows:
Lawrence v. Texas --
Attn MEDIA, This link is for making Media-Interview Requests helps Media get polygamy views.
For everyone: Get 3 recent interviews on tape for Free! Here's HOW!
July 11, 2003
4:30 pm EST
Updated the SPECAL OFFER page for ordering tapes. These now include three latest taped interviews following the June 26, 2003 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas.
Added the following to the right-side navigation-column on all the pages at this web-site, as follows:
Get these Tapes!
June 23, 2003
9:30 am EST
Updated the FAF application-profile sign-up system. Also added the note of
this new policy change, effective on this date June 23, 2003.
Namely, the new policy now requires that, in order to join FAF, a person has to be maintaining a current
email address at
June 13, 2003
2:30 pm EST [top]
To promote the new web-site of
Pro-Polygamy.NET, added the link to it in the left-columnn "links" box across all pages here at the web-site. Also
added the following box to the top of the text-area of the main page at the top of the web-site here.
May 16, 2003
2:00 pm EST
Added the new page to show the text of a published article in a daily newspaper in New York State,
NEWSPAPER Interviews Founder for published article [Poughkeepsie Journal], 04/28/03.
Made the corresponding link-back on the
tape-order page of the recorded interview on April 16, 2003. And added the link to the "MEDIA" box in the left-side-navigation on all the pages at this web-site.
May 01, 2003
1:00 pm EST
Added the same code module (see next entry here below) to the
Polygamy Quote of the Day sign-up pages to disallow email addresses from certain spam/non-functional webservers, such as,, etc.
May 01, 2003
12:00 noon EST
Added a code module to the
E-Updates sign-up pages to disallow email addresses from certain spam/non-functional webservers, such as,, etc.
May 01, 2003
11:00 am EST
TruthBearer.US [401 Errors]
Created a fully-functional
OOPS! / Error page to assist anyone attempting to LOG IN to the
Members Area without the correct User Name and Password.
April 23, 2003
2:30 PM EST
Updated and edited the new column for the MEDIA INTERVIEWS:
April 23, 2003
2:00 PM EST
Created the new page to announce the
SPECIAL OFFER: Get 8 Tapes of media Interviews.
Also added the link for it to the
Ordering TAPES page.
April 23, 2003
1:30 PM EST
Created the new page to announce the
Poughkeepsie Journal Interviews Founder, 04/16/03.
Also added the link for it to the
Ordering TAPES page.
April 18, 2003
4:30 PM EST
Created and edited the new column (on the right-side of pages) for the MEDIA INTERVIEWS:
April 09, 2003
4:00 PM EST
Created the following web-pages and added their links accordingly to the ORDER TAPES page:
March 01, 2003
6:00 PM EST
Updated and announced the information about the
TruthBearer GetTogether 2003
January 24, 2003
10:00 AM EST
"Your POLYGAMY Home Page [Links]".
Removed the following as a dead link:
"Polygamy Paradox"
Added the following new links:
Intellectual Discussion
Polygamy does not equal Mormon Polygamy
Christian Polygamy is not Mormon Polygamy
Modern Historical
The History of the "Movement"
Modern "Acceptance"
The Christian Polygamy "Movement"
Legal Stuff
January 24, 2003
9:30 AM EST
In the "Links" box in the left-sided column of all the pages, added the link to the newly hosted site
January 24, 2003
9:00 AM EST
In the "Sites Using Services" box, Added the newly hosted site
January 09, 2003
3:30 PM EST
Performed some miscellaneous clean-up of the front-page.
* Replaced the article-teasers, of Members-Area postings, with a directory-listing of links to the "teasers" which are now located at
TruthBearer.US public section page.
* Changed the heading from "" to "Organization for Christian Polygamy"
* Edited the name in the address at bottom of pages from "TRUTH BEARER" to ""
January 09, 2003
3:00 PM EST
Created the new
GET INVOLVED page. Insodoing, the new webpage's contents, which originally
were on the main front page, have been replaced with a link to this new page.
January 09, 2003
2:00 PM EST
Moved the link to
Polygamy Seminars
over to the - Services page. Insodoing, removed that link from
the right-side columns of the main TruthBearer.ORG pages.