December 19, 2006
3:30 pm EST
Added three new pages of radio interviews to the directory. These three webpages also include their corresponding links to where each inteview may be heard online right away.

Media [Directory]

WGAN Morning News with Ken and Mike NEW!

The Dave Show on KUCI NEW!

Hong Kong Radio Television - Backchat NEW!
December 01, 2006
3:30 pm EST
After doing a third radio interview on their show, posted it and its entire transcript (November 22, 2006) to its own subdirectory page. Updated the /media/ main directory.

Media [Directory]

Court TV Morning with Vinny Politan

March 28, 2006 - Response to "Big Love"

September 05, 2006 - Response to Warren Jeffs Capture

November 22, 2006 - Jeffs Hearing Proves Case not about Polygamy NEW!
October 18, 2006
5:30 pm EST
The conservative evangelical Christian news and ministry web-site,, has published reports about and the Founder. Created this new section for this.

Media [Directory]
October 18, 2006
1:30 pm EST
After CNS News made a second report involving the organization, moved the last report & interview (March 16, 2006) to its own subdirectory page. Posted the newest report (August 31, 2006) to its own subdirectory page too. Updated the /media/ main directory to include both subdirectory links.

Media [Directory]

CNS News

March 16, 2006, Report - Polygamy rights is the next civil rights battle

August 31, 2006, Pro-polygamists respond to Warren Jeffs capture NEW!
September 07, 2006
11:30 am EST
After doing a second radio interview on their show, moved the last inteview (March 28, 2006) to its own subdirectory page. Posted the newest interview and its entire transcript (September 05, 2006) to its own subdirectory page too. Updated the /media/ main directory to include both subdirectory links.

Media [Directory]

Court TV Morning with Vinny Politan

March 28, 2006 - Response to "Big Love"

September 05, 2006 - Response to Warren Jeffs Capture NEW!
August 29, 2006
08:00 pm EST
On the front page and throughout the site, replaced the top message and link at the top of every page with the following news:
Pro-Polygamists Glad Fugitive Warren Jeffs Was Caught
- Press Release at
August 19, 2006
07:30 am EST
Because today is August 19: On the front page and throughout the site, inserted the following link at the top of every page:
August 19 is Polygamy Day ™
August 17, 2006
10:30 am EST
On the front page, changed the last line of text. The change creates two links in order to better assist surfers at the front page. The last line of text was changed
From this:
The MEDIA obtain proven, expert interviews.
To this:
The MEDIA obtain proven, appealing, informative, expert interviews.
August 17, 2006
10:30 am EST
On the front page, updated the image about the various media sources to the following image. (The images below are reduced by 20% here, though.)
Changed it from this:
to now appearing as this:
June 21, 2006
3:30 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following to the top of the menu directory list. Used a different background-color to highlight it (also removed the background color from the "Polygamy in the Media" right above it). Also added the link to the site-wide right-navigation box, so that readers may find this important page right away.

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

Mark Henkel Interview Example - Important Questions & Media Credibility
June 21, 2006
3:00 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activity. (There are still many, many more to eventually add.)

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

CNS News
May 30, 2006
2:00 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activity. (There are still many, many more to eventually add.)

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

Court TV Morning with Vinny Politan
May 19, 2006
4:00 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activity. (There are still many, many more to eventually add.)

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

NBC - Today Show
May 12, 2006
3:30 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activity. (There are still many, many more to eventually add.)

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

MSNBC - Scarborough Country
April 27, 2006
3:00 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activities.

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

Culture Shocks with Barry Lynn

The Kevin and Bean Show, on KROQ
April 03, 2006
4:00 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activities.

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

Focus on the Family

Family News in Focus, March 16, 2006
Also added the Tape order page for people who want to hear the entire two interviews for themselves.
March 27, 2006
4:00 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activities.

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media

Human Events NEW!

Concerned Women For America NEW!

Charles Krauthammer NEW!
March 18, 2006
7:30 pm EST
In the MEDIA [directory], added the following media activities.

Media [Directory] Polygamy in the Media


The Michael Baisden Show

The Tom Barberi Show

Richmond Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

The Mancow Muller Show

The Dom Giordano Show
With the increased media attention this month, there are many more to add! But this gets the ball rolling...