November 7, 2008
11:00 am EST
/ [sitewide]
Changed the links at the top of all pages sitewide to now display the following:
Obama's Historic Election Gives Hope to Polygamous Americans - 11/07/08 Op-Ed at
FLDS was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - Quotes - 4/08/08 Special Report at
Warren Jeffs was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - 9/27/07 Op-Ed at
November 3, 2008
11:00 am EST
/ [sitewide]
The server for the site has been in the process of being upgraded. Most of the user pages have been upgraded, with lesser used pages still to be done.
August 18, 2008
11:00 pm EST
Added the temporary page of the July 18, 2008 Johm Stossel Special Report about non-Mormon polygamy by ABC's 20/20, that included Mr.Henkel and a polygamous family from the organization. This new page will later be updated with the full transcript.

Media [Directory]

ABC - 20/20 NEW!
July 18, 2008
11:30 am EST
Added the report at, April 19/20,2008, that referred to the organization and its work to differentiate normal polygamists from the FLDS.

Media [Directory]

July 18, 2008
10:30 am EST
Added the October 17, 2007 report at that referred to the organization and its work to differentiate normal polygamists from the FLDS.

Media [Directory]

July 18, 2008
10:00 am EST
Updated with additional content to the media page about the Family Research Council.
July 08, 2008
10:00 pm EST
Added the Copycats section at the end of the book. This unfortunately became necessary as people were copycatting the text for their own self promotion. With one copycatter even pretending to be from, it was necessary to let people know what we did NOT endorse.


The History and Philosophy of Marriage

June 19, 2008
10:30 am EST
Added the interview with the Houston, Texas radio program, KGOW - 1560 - The Game. The recorded inteview was also uploaded to the Members Area.

Media [Directory]

KGOW 1560 The Game [Members, Hear it online] NEW!
June 06, 2008
9:00 am EST
/ [sitewide]
Posted the links to another important response article sent to the media through The link appears sitewide at the very top of every page.
Texas CPS Chief's "Case NOT about Polygamy" Reveals Dishonest Media - 6/04/08 Op-Ed at
May 24, 2008
8:00 am EST
/ [sitewide]
Posted the links to another important response article sent to the media through The link appears sitewide at the very top of every page.
Texas Court: Polygamy does NOT put Children in Danger - 5/23/08 Op-Ed at
April 08, 2008
4:00 pm EST
/ [sitewide]
Posted the links to these two important response articles sent to the media through The links appear sitewide at the very top of every page.
FLDS is far more "Mormon sect" than "Polygamist sect" - 4/08/08 Op-Ed at
FLDS was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - Quotes - 4/08/08 at
March 28, 2008
4:30 pm EST
Added the interview with The Michael Medved Show. The recorded inteview was also uploaded to the Members Area.

Media [Directory]

The Michael Medved Show [Members, Hear it online]
March 25, 2008
3:30 pm EST
Added another report from the AP (Associated Press) in which Mr. Henkel was quoted with the National Polygamy Movement's response to the sentencing of Warren Jeffs.

Media [Directory]

AP (Associated Press)

November 21, 2007 - Polygamists Glad Warren Jeffs is going to prison
March 25, 2008
9:00 am EST
Added another interview appearance of Mr. Henkel from Court TV Morning. This was another appearance with the fill-in-host, Court TV's Trial Correspondent, Michel Bryant. The audio-recording is also available for Members to hear immediately online.

Media [Directory]

Court TV Morning with Vinnie Politan

November 13, 2007 - Michel Bryant, Trial Correspondent (filling in) [Members, Hear it online]
March 21, 2008
4:30 pm EST
Added several interviews from the Court TV interviews. Created the entire directory for all of them. And added to the main media directory as well.

Media [Directory]

Court TV

February 14, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Entire Transcript]

September 20, 2007 - Bloom & Politan: OPEN COURT [Members, Hear it online]

September 20, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]

September 21, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]

September 24, 2007 - Online Chat Guest

September 26, 2007 - Jami Floyd: BEST DEFENSE [Members, Hear it online]