November 3, 2009
1:30 pm EDT
Updated the Copycats page.
August 24, 2009
1:30 pm EDT
/ [sitewide]
Added the new FACEBOOK button of Mark Henkel to the left-side of the front-page and to the right-side navigation for the rest of the site.

July 21, 2009
2:00 pm EDT
/ [front page]
Updated the front page for a more efficient display and function. Also EMBEDDED the YouTube video of Mark Henkel at Maine Public Hearing.
June 25, 2009
10:00 am EDT
/ [sitewide]
Added the YouTube link to the very top link at the top of all pages sitewide, so that now the top is displayed as follows:
VIDEO: Mark Henkel Proposes Polygamy Rights WIN-WIN Solution at a Government Public Hearing - 04/22/09, posted at YouTube
NH’s "Same Sex Marriage" Law "Discriminates" Against Polygamy - 06/04/09 op-ed at
Maine’s "Same Sex Marriage" Law "Discriminates" Against Polygamy - 05/07/09 op-ed at
Rick Warren's Mistake, “Forbidding to Marry” Re-Defines Marriage - 02/12/09 comprehensive essay (authored by Mark Henkel) at
June 25, 2009
10:00 am EDT
/ [sitewide]
Removed the following two links from the links at the top of all pages sitewide:
FLDS was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - Quotes - 4/08/08 Special Report at
Warren Jeffs was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - 9/27/07 Op-Ed at
June 12, 2009
3:15 pm EDT
/ [sitewide]
Changed the very top link at the top of all pages sitewide to now display the following:
NH’s "Same Sex Marriage" Law "Discriminates" Against Polygamy - 06/04/09 op-ed at
Maine’s "Same Sex Marriage" Law "Discriminates" Against Polygamy - 05/07/09 op-ed at
Rick Warren's Mistake, “Forbidding to Marry” Re-Defines Marriage - 02/12/09 comprehensive essay (authored by Mark Henkel) at
FLDS was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - Quotes - 4/08/08 Special Report at
Warren Jeffs was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - 9/27/07 Op-Ed at
June 12, 2009
3:00 pm EDT
Created the new directory and trhe first two articles of reports from the Portland Phoenix.

Portland Phoenix

April 30, 2009, Maine Public Hearing on Same-sex Marriage NEW!

May 13, 2009, Where will same-sex marriage be in 2010? NEW!
May 10, 2009
10:00 am EDT
/ [sitewide]
Cleaned up and removed anumber of previous functions, which will no longer be openly displayed:
LEFT-COLUMN: Polygamy Quote of the Day (removed), Special Offer, and E-UPDATES (improved)
RIGHT-COLUMN: Request Interview changed to link instead of email address
BOTTOM-CONTENT-AREA: Print This Page (removed), Email This Page (removed), banners (enlarged), Advertising (ceased).
April 03, 2009
7:00 pm EDT
/ [sitewide]
Changed the very top link at the top of all pages sitewide to now display the following:
John Quiñones Lies in "Unreality" on ABC-TV - 04/03/09 comprehensive essay (authored by Mark Henkel) at
Rick Warren's Mistake, “Forbidding to Marry” Re-Defines Marriage - 02/12/09 comprehensive essay (authored by Mark Henkel) at
FLDS was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - Quotes - 4/08/08 Special Report at
Warren Jeffs was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - 9/27/07 Op-Ed at
February 13, 2009
9:00 am EST
/ [sitewide]
Changed the very top link at the top of all pages sitewide to now display the following:
Rick Warren's Mistake, “Forbidding to Marry” Re-Defines Marriage - 02/12/09 comprehensive essay (authored by Mark Henkel) at
FLDS was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - Quotes - 4/08/08 Special Report at
Warren Jeffs was Always Opposed by National Polygamy Movement - 9/27/07 Op-Ed at