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True Christianity is a So-Called "Cult"   [ Menu ]

The TRUTH: True Christianity is a So-Called "Cult"

Chapter 12
From Whence are Some Doctrines?

Many who are not of what the world would call the so-called "cult" of CHRIST, but who, nevertheless, would profess themselves to so be, are now faced with a quandary and confusion. The world has been "taught" by the children of Belial that God does not raise up prophets. Most would-be Christians would agree with that untruth. Not only does this mean that such would-be Christians are, therefore, calling God and Scripture "liars", but it then also makes their very manmade doctrines become destroyed thereby!

Most would-be Christian "churches" observe several manmade doctrines that originated no where in Scripture. These would-be "churches" observe doctrines that have changed the day on which man is to rest and worship the LORD. These would-be "churches" observe doctrines that have limited the age and number of wives a man, who would be of the LORD, is "allowed" to love, bless, and edify in marriage in the example of profound TRUE GODLY love. These would-be "churches" would call christ David, Lord CHRIST Jesus, and the Father Himself as guilty of "abominations", or at least "sin", by their very creeds, writings, and doctrines. God forbid! Because Scripture did NOT establish these doctrines, then who did?

In order for any would-be Christian disciple to accept that these particular creeds, writings, and doctrines are true, they must also accept, therefore, that those who created those creeds, writings, and doctrines were prophets! Yet, if those would-be Christians do not accept that prophets are really raised up, that is, if they don't believe in prophets, then they must ask themselves, "From whence did those creeds, writings, and doctrines come?"

If they would answer that question that prophets were still not involved in the change (from what Scripture had said to what their doctrines now say), then they are saying that man made the change by himself. That would mean that man had placed himself above God and the very Written Word of God, the Scripture. God forbid!

If they would agree to change their mind about prophets and thus say that the change to the new doctrines came about because of prophets (from earlier times), then they are saying that prophets can change what the LORD has said. That would mean that those (earlier) prophets had placed themselves above God and the very Written Word of God, the Scripture. God forbid!

If, after agreeing that prophets are indeed raised up, that is, these would-be Christians did change their mind and begin to believe in prophets, how would they react to a new prophet raised up in their very midst? How would they react if such a new prophet warned them that their earlier "prophets" had spoken PRESUMPTUOUSLY? How would they even know that such a new prophet was indeed TRUE?

In any of these ways, such would-be Christians (who do not belong to what the world would call the so-called "cult" of CHRIST) are caught in a paradox that the world created for that very purpose.

It is because of that very paradox that our LORD established that all Scripture is the "divider" of TRUTH. As our Lord and Saviour said, "Beware of false prophets... by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7:15a,20.) Again, as He said in John 10:35c, the "scripture cannot be broken".

© June 4, 1995, The Standard Bearer
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064

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Truth Tracts
True Christianity is a So-Called "Cult"
Chapter 1 - Dwelling in God to Reveal and Receive
Chapter 2 - The World Called Jesus "Mad"
Chapter 3 - Examples of His Supposed "Madness"
Chapter 4 - Confounding Manmade Doctrines with Scripture
Chapter 5 - Jesus was Astonishing
Chapter 6 - By Error, World Tries to "Discredit" Jesus
Chapter 7 - Christ Created What the World Calls a "CULT"
Chapter 8 - "Forsake All"
Chapter 9 - "Lay Down One's Life"
Chapter 10 - Perpetuating His So-called "CULT"
Chapter 11 - Who's a Prophet?
Chapter 12 - From Whence are Some Doctrines?
Chapter 13 - Scripture "Dividing" TRUTH from Doctrines
Chapter 14 - Other "Scriptures" and Contradictions?
Chapter 15 - But There Are Other "Scriptures"
Chapter 16 - Are You in the So-called "CULT"?
Chapter 17 - Because the World Hates Jesus, It Hates His So-called "CULT"
Chapter 18 - Staying a "Member"


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