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Obedience in Love For a Sign   [ Menu ]

The TRUTH: Obedience in Love For a Sign

Chapter 2
Those Called, Obey In Love

The Remnant will "Search the scriptures..." (John 5:39a.) After all, Jesus did say, in that verse, that "the scriptures ...are they which TESTIFY". By searching and believing all Scripture, the Remnant have and will receive that which the Holy Ghost brings to the Remnant's remembrance; yet the world cannot receive it.

The Remnant have and shall read Exodus 20:3-17 and believe it all. By love, it has not been and will not be grievous to obey the word of God.

As has been in the past, the Commandments of God will be understood and obeyed by the Remnant in love, although others compassed about will not understand, neither will they obey. Exodus 20:3 will be understood and obeyed without a single hesitation. The Remnant will understand the relevance of Jeremiah 8:9-11 and 6:12-15 with Exodus 20:17. Exodus 31:13 and Hebrews chapters 3 and 4 will be understood as applied to Exodus 20:8-11. The meaning of Exodus 20:13 will be understood related to Exodus 23:7. Indeed, all of the Commandments of God will be understood and ungrievously obeyed in love for God by the Remnant.

While many men have already been, many more will be called of the Lord as for a sign of a man of God. Those who are so called receive the calling of the Lord to follow the examples in Scripture: Jeremiah chapter 3; Matthew 25:1-13; 1_Samuel 18:27g, 25:42-43, 2_Samuel 3:2-5, 5:13; 1_Samuel chapters 1 and 2; Exodus 18:2-6, Numbers 12:1; Genesis 29:22-30, 37:2; Genesis 16:3, 25:1. Some will pretend to be so called but the fruits of their wickedness shall be revealed by their failure to willfully, by love, obey Exodus 21:10 and Ephesians 5:25. Only those to whom God so called will this be and for such a sign. Yet the world, which cannot receive the truth, will shun, reject, attempt to ignore by means of silence, and persecute the truly righteous and holy men who are so truly called to so truly walk in obedience unto the Lord.

While many women have already been, many more will be called of a lord of the Lord as for a sign of a woman of God. Without hesitation, these Godly women will precisely exemplify 1_Peter 3:3-6, following the examples of holy women in Scripture. They will of full measure know 1_Corinthians 11:3,7b-c,8-9,12; 1_Corinthians 14:33-37; Titus 2:3-5; Ephesians 5:22-24; Colossians 3:18; 1_Timothy 2:11-12,9-15; Genesis 3:16. When called to follow the example of 1_Samuel 25:40, they will not even hesitate neither concern themselves with first asking about similar situations as that of 1_Samuel 19:11 or 25:43 or 2_Samuel 3:2-5, 5:13. Indeed, without having any such concern, even for foreknowledge, these Godly women will not so enquire nor require. Rather, as for a sign of a woman of God, and by their own free will, they will trust God and follow the blessed exhortation of 1_Peter 3:5-6. Some will pretend to be so called but the fruits of their wickedness shall be revealed by their failure to willfully, by love, have the same heart as, and follow after, the example set in 1_Samuel 25:41-42. Only those Godly women to whom men (called by God) so called (such Godly women) will this be for such a sign. Yet the world, which cannot receive the truth, will shun, reject, attempt to ignore by means of silence, and persecute the truly righteous and holy women who are so called to so truly walk in obedience unto their lord as unto the Lord.

"What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you" herein are of God and not "of any private interpretation". (1_Corinthians 14:36-37[c], 2_Peter 1:20[b].)

© February 4, 1996, The Standard Bearer
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064

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Truth Tracts
Obedience in Love For a Sign
Chapter 1 - In Truth and Love, In Spirit and In Truth
Chapter 2 - Those Called, Obey In Love
Chapter 3 - Obeying In Truth, Persecuted As Heresy
Chapter 4 - Know By Their Fruits


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