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Testimony Requesting a Trial Before "All the Church": Is this TRUTH or Heresy?  [ Menu ]

Testimony Requesting a Trial Before "All the Church": Is this TRUTH or Heresy?

Chapter 3
Five Revelations of Relevance

Through this my tabernacle (I tell you) God has revealed the relevance and importance for knowing the true meaning of Adultery.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils... Forbidding to marry". (1_Timothy 4:1,3a.) The Holy Ghost speaking in Paul prophesied that Christians will forbid to marry (according to God's way, not man's). Not only have laws been made in the past to forbid men from marrying more than one wife (even though Moses, per Exodus 18:1-6 and Numbers 12:1, and David, per 1_Chronicles 3:1-9, did!), Christians are prepared to do so again in the very near future. And thus is the Holy Ghost prophecy is fulfilled.

If a Christian does not know the true meaning of Adultery, a trap has been set to ensnare them. The Great Deceiver will send devils asking Christians if they believe all Scripture as Truth. Then they will show Matthew 5:28 and then the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 where Jesus said that He, the Bridegroom, would be returning to marry five of ten virgins. The devils will ensnare the Christian by asking the Wicked Paradox, regarding that Parable: "Did Jesus sin or is Scripture wrong?" Without knowledge of the true meaning of Adultery, Christians will "have to" commit the abominations of either accusing Jesus of sin (of so-called "adultery") or accusing Scripture of being wrong. God forbid. (The "subjective interpretation" that that Parable is supposedly about "the Bridegroom coming WITH THE BRIDE," for the five supposed "bridesmaids", also accuses Scripture of being "wrong". After all, Matthew 25:13 is a warning to ALL, to "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.") By revealing the true meaning of Adultery, (I tell you) God has armed Christians with the Truth with which to boldly slay that Wicked Paradox that would ensnare them.

As well, the "Grace/Law Hypocrisy" has been revealed. Many Christians void the 4th Commandment altogether, justifying themselves by "Grace". Likewise, they further restrict the 7th Commandment, justifying themselves by the "Law". In fact, they claim more "Grace" than they should in voiding the Sabbath, and they claim more "curse of the Law" than they should by further-restricting Adultery. Are they under "Grace" or under the "Law"? This hypocrisy has been clearly revealed, demonstrating the further relevance of the true meaning of Adultery.

It has also been shown that to deny the true meaning of Adultery calls God and Scripture liars, and even blasphemes the Holy Ghost! At the Day of Pentecost, Peter was filled with the Holy Ghost in Acts chapter 2. In Acts 2:(29),30a, Holy Ghost-filled Peter called "the patriarch David... a prophet". In 1_Peter 1:11b,10a, Peter said that "the Spirit of Christ" was in "the prophets". So the Holy Ghost was in David from 1_Samuel 16:13 until his "last words" in 2_Samuel 23:1-2. And Scripture says that David's heart was "perfect" before God "save ONLY in the matter of Uriah the Hittite" (from 2_Samuel chapters 11 and 12). (1_Kings 11:4, 15:3,5.) Truly, God gave the prophet David his more than eight known wives. Christians are instructed to take "the prophets ...for an example" in James 5:10. Scripture says David was virtually "perfect". To say otherwise calls God and Scripture liars. And, it is a blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, the "unforgivable sin" per Luke 12:10, to say that the Holy Ghost "failed" in His work for supposedly not "convicting" the Spirit-filled prophet David of his supposed "adulteries" for his more than eight known God-given wives. God forbid. Let not the Holy Ghost be blasphemed!

And finally, as will be seen henceforth in this very writing at my own hand, the issue is about SIN and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Sin was and is through all ages Sin. Righteousness was and is through all ages Righteousness. That which was Righteous, when God dealt with Sin in His strictest of ways in the "times" of the "Law", certainly is still Righteous when God deals with Sin in His less strict of ways in the "times" of "Grace". Therefore, because even the holiest of men did have more than one wife in the strictest "times" of the "Law", such was and is always a Righteous doctrine, which means that is true also in the less strict "times" of "Grace". Yes, "Grace" freed us from the restrictions of many "doings". But while "Grace" has indeed freed us from the bondage of strictness of the "curse of the Law", "Grace" did NOT and does NOT ever make Righteousness to become Sin. God forbid.

These five revelations, which (I tell you) God has brought forth in the work He is working through this my tabernacle, make clearly manifest the importance and relevance for knowing the true, na'aph meaning of Adultery.

© December 4, 1996, The Standard Bearer
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064

<--Previous    Next-->
Truth Tracts
Testimony Requesting a Trial Before "All the Church": Is this TRUTH or Heresy?
Chapter 1 - Testimony of Grace
Chapter 2 - A Doctrine Defined
Chapter 3 - Five Revelations of Relevance
Chapter 4 - Why Letter Included
Chapter 5 - A New Friend Comes and Goes
Chapter 6 - My Letter Opens
Chapter 7 - Jezebel Would Stop What God Distributes
Chapter 8 - For Fear, Not "Tried"
Chapter 9 - Sin and Righteousness
Chapter 10 - For Love, Rescue Or Receive
Chapter 11 - In Love and Grace, I Request Mercy & "Trial"


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