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The Truth and the Paradox   [ Menu ]

The Truth and the Paradox

Chapter 1
A Call to Truth

Greetings in love by the Lord Jesus! May His love abound in you.

A storm is brewing. The children of Belial are rearing up their necks. The modern-day Pharisees are preparing their confusion. The Great Deceiver is raging and preparing to attack the TRUE Children of the LORD.

A "line in the sand" is being drawn, separating the would-be "Christians" from the TRUE Children of the LORD. What is that "line in the sand"? It is the absolute faith and belief in Scripture, the very Written WORD of God. Many who say they have such faith and belief do not. The test is coming. The "line in the sand" is being drawn. ...And many who thought they were on the LORD's side will see that they are not, because they will defend the commandments and doctrines of men and refuse to accept what Scripture REALLY, TRULY, and VERILY says.

Even as the "line in the sand" is drawn, the wicked will be instantly obvious: they will be absent of love. By not dwelling in love, such do not dwell in God. Thus, neither does God dwell in them. The Scripture declared that very specifically in 1_John 4:16. As such, as they approach to supposedly "correct" that which is revealed unto you by the Scriptures, their unwillingness to search the Scriptures together and in brotherly love are the manifest tokens of their lack of love, and thus their lack of abode in the LORD. Beware such evil which presents itself as "corrector" of the TRUTH while refusing to actually study the Scriptures, as well as by brotherly love, with those of us who have that Godly faith and belief in all that the Scripture REALLY, TRULY, and VERILY says.

If the following revelation of TRUTH is indeed in error, then let those who think they are spiritual approach to "correct" me, but only by the Scriptures and in brotherly love to protect my very soul. If they would refuse to read this entire revelation of TRUTH through to its conclusion and to search the Scriptures together with me in love, but would rather that they simply "tell me off", such prove their own wickedness by the absence of brotherly love and of trust in the Scriptures.

Indeed, let such follow as I follow that which Paul instructed in 2_Timothy 2:24-26: "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the ACKNOWLEDGING OF THE TRUTH; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." On that premise is this revelation of TRUTH here written. In love and by the Scriptures, this is to teach, in meekness, how the TRUE Children of the LORD are to escape a most diabolical snare, a trap, of the devil.

REALLY, TRULY, and VERILY, this is only a call to TRUTH. This is NOT a call to lasciviousness. (Indeed and God forbid!) Rather, this is a call to Scriptural preparation when faced with the coming wicked paradox to be put forth by the Great Deceiver and his devils. This is NOT a call to concupiscence. (Indeed and God forbid!) Rather, this is a call for man to rise to his (small-L) lordship in all righteousness as a loving, blessing, and edifying TRUE GODLY man. This is NOT a call to the wickedness of lust. As the word for "lust" in the original, old language means, "a longing (especially for what is forbidden)", this is not a call for that which is wicked and forbidden. (Indeed and God forbid!) Rather and indeed, this is a call for that which, not only is not forbidden, but is righteous, and good, and truthful. Let them that say they are spiritual confirm this TRUTH that this revelation is REALLY, TRULY, and VERILY only a call to TRUTH.

Indeed, only by being a "bringer" of Scripture am I a "bringer" of TRUTH . Without the LORD, I am nothing. (What is the clay to the Potter?) Because this calling puts me in the position of being a "bringer" of the TRUTH (only by being a "bringer" of the Scripture), I have nothing to hide. The TRUTH is the TRUTH and nothing be hid. Did not Paul write in 2_Corinthians 4:3-4, the following? "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world ((the Great Deceiver, through such means as manmade doctrines)) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the LIGHT of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

As such, any "corrector", who would be unwilling to read this entire revelation of TRUTH through to its conclusion and to search the Scriptures together with me in brotherly love and in mutual yearning to know what the Scriptures REALLY, TRULY, and VERILY say, would not be a "bringer" of TRUTH. This would be so because they would not be bringing the Scripture and would not be dwelling in love. Because they would not be dwelling in love, thus would they not be dwelling in God, nor God in them. Indeed, thus would they not be bringing the TRUTH.

Indeed, none of this is or will be of my opinion; rather and indeed, this will all be Scripture and Scripture will prove it all. Yes, Scripture is revealing...

© October 4, 1995, The Standard Bearer
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064

Truth Tracts
The Truth and the Paradox
Chapter 1 - A Call to Truth
Chapter 2 - With or Without Light?
Chapter 3 - Devils Entrap By Manmade Doctrines
Chapter 4 - Devils Then Entrap By Truth
Chapter 5 - Manmade Doctrines By Rationalization
Chapter 6 - "An Hard Saying"
Chapter 7 - "As Christ Also Loved"
Chapter 8 - "Hast Not Sinned"
Chapter 9 - The Elders, Bishops, and Deacons Trap
Chapter 10 - Why Some Still Disbelieve
Chapter 11 - Heavy Yet Light
Chapter 12 - Hold That Light


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