Over a year ago, I wrote unto you a revelation of TRUTH entitled, "The TRUTH on the CHURCHES". Underneath the title of that writing on Page 7 of the 9/4/94 issue of THE STANDARD BEARER, the following had been written: "If they speak not according to THIS word". That revelation opened with the entire Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.
That revelation showed that that parable shows the Lord Jesus explaining that five of ten virgins will be married unto Him, the Bridegroom. That revelation showed why the five foolish virgins were shut out from the marriage with the Lord. All ten had had lamps, but only five, the wise virgins, had had oil in their lamps. The wise virgins were prepared for the Bridegroom's arrival.
Why were the foolish virgins shut out? They were not prepared because they did not have "LIGHT" when the Bridegroom arrived at midnight. Thus, it was the absence of "LIGHT" that caused the foolish virgins to be shut out from the marriage to the Bridegroom, the Lord Christ Jesus.
That revelation revealed beyond dispute what that "LIGHT" is. The answer is found in Isaiah 8:20:
"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no LIGHT in them."
In that revelation was then written the following: "In Isaiah 8:20, LIGHT ((which, by the way, is the ONLY time this translation in the original, old language is used (for "light") throughout all of presently considered Scripture!)) is "shachar" (shaw-khar')... It means 'dawn:--- early, light, morning, whence riseth'. (Does not the definition, 'whence riseth', bring the term 'resurrection' to mind?) Thus, this gives us the ultimate standard: the absence of LIGHT is found only with those who speak NOT according to the Scriptures, 'the law and the testimony'. Therefore, the reason that many churches... will be 'shut out' from the marriage with the bridegroom is because they ceased/began-not speaking 'according to THIS word', the Scripture, the Written Word of God! Conversely, the wise virgins... will go in with the bridegroom Jesus to be married unto Him because they were prepared/'ready'; they had LIGHT when He came for them. They were 'speaking' exactly according to Scripture! Without regard for manmade doctrines, they spoke only according to the Written Word of God."
Thus, it becomes imperative that all TRUE Children of the LORD speak only according to the Scriptures, and to do so without regard for manmade doctrines. Indeed, it is by such manmade doctrines that the Great Deceiver will entrap would-be Christians who, while they SAY that they believe all of Scripture, when put to the test, will actually defend and insist upon manmade doctrines while denying Scripture. ...And that was and is exactly the Great Deceiver's purpose from the very creation of such manmade doctrines!
And now watch as that TRUTH is now proven!
© October 4, 1995, The Standard Bearer
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064
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